cloth nappy question


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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hello its me budge

well i did use terry towlling nappieswith my first daughter but after that i used disposable.
Now i really want to use cloth nappies again.

Could someone please guide me to the correct trendy cloth nappy to be fit my lovely Rachael.

thankyou in advance. :)
sorry i don't know either, but i would like to maybe start using these too.
calling Mel, Skatty, who else uses them :think:
budge i just bought plain white ones so cant really advise you on the patterned/coloured etc but i can name a few cloth addicts who can point you in the direction of the funky ones
Cassi, Minxy, beanie (and as foxymum said) melanie and skatty.

oh and here is cassis thread on it ... sc&start=0

its a bit long but if you have a tek through it there are loads of cloth nappy brand names in there for you to check out. :D
foxymum said:
sorry i don't know either, but i would like to maybe start using these too.
calling Mel, Skatty, who else uses them :think:

copycat :lol:

littlered - thanks for the info - where did you get your plain white ones from and how much were they ? thanks :)
mm ive been looking about.
so i would need nappies and WRAPS :think: what are they?
i know what the nappies look like but im not sure about wraps?
are they like what used to be called rubber pants?
can anyone enlighten me?
budge i got mine from little lambs and they cost £200 for a birth to potty pack, here is the link (its the one titled 'CLOTH NAPPY KIT A AND C'): ... r=products

I also got this from my local council, it usually would cost about £50 altogether but i got it for £10


This link is really good:
it finds council incentive schemes, and nappy shops etc near you. :D

oh and yes the wraps are what used to be known as rubber pants :lol: .

give me a minute and i'll post a little picture of what you need for the 2 part shaped nappies.

here you go:

my friend has offered to give me 10 shaped nappies. would i have to get liners and rubber pants too then? how much are they ?
thanks for this littlered
the wraps are about £7+(each) from new, but you can get them cheaper from places like ebay, maybe for about £3ish. You can get the disposable and/or fleece liners for next to nothing on places like ebay, a few pound at the most.

You can buy ones that dont need need an extra wrap over the nappy, they are known as 'all in ones' but they are much more expensive ,probably about £14 a nappy (see the red wonderoo nappy in the pic i posted above). :D
ok ill look on ebay. Rachael is nearly 14 pound. would i need medium size then?
I'd always err on the bigger size, she'd be medium in most makes.

There are SO many cute nappies for little girls :D

Budge, I am an addicted, self taught expert. PM me any questions and benefit from my sadness :lol:
foxymum said:
sorry i don't know either, but i would like to maybe start using these too.
calling Mel, Skatty, who else uses them :think:

:oops: I don't actually use cloth though I really feel I should. I keep meaning to look into it! I also think its a good idea as it apparantley leads to early potty training as babies in disposables never feel wet :)
We have ordered our cloth nappies now! We always meant to but wanted to see how big she'd be and then when she was born she had such bad stomach problems I was changing her nappy at least once and hour but now all is normal we have taken the step.

I can see I will now be addicted to buying wraps :lol:

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