Calling all happy people!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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hi girls

ok, before I start Il apologise if I upset anyone in advance. Im crap at saying what I mean sometimes and can come across as being harsh - maybe Im just being paranoid who knows but pregnancy has done some weird things to me LOL

Im feeling a bit down in here at the moment...there seems to be a real lack of happy pregnant ladies. I used to love coming here everyday and now I think I go away feeling more deflated than anything :cry: For some of us who have lost babies etc getting through these first 13 weeks can be a trying time but I think we have to be positive for ourselves, our babies and eachother.

I got an absolute b**locking from both my Mum and Step Mum for mentioning being worried as my symtoms had disappeared. They thought I was mental. They didnt even think twice about what might or might not happen when they were pregnant. They were thrilled to be pregnant and were nothing but excited. They didnt entertain the idea that something could go wrong.

For alot of girls its taken a long time to get to first tri so we should all now celebrate being pregnant.

If something is going to go wrong it will. All we can do is look after ourselves. I know personally if I spend anymore time worrying about being pregnant and something does happen Im going to blame myself for being stressed the whole time :| and what good is worrying going to do? If something does happen its not going to soften the blow anymore if Ive spent the whole time panicking so I might as well smile :D

I just think everyone needs to be a bit more positive. I know first tri is scary for many different reasons but I think some of us arent doing ourselves or eachother any favours. When I arrived in first tri there were some amazing people in here and it was a cheery place to be. Being pregnant was exciting. Now alot - (not all) of the positive people have moved to 2nd tri and we seem to be left with a whole trimester of worry heads :?

So...COME ON GIRLS!!! We're all pregnant and its amazing so lets enjoy it :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:#

Sorry for the rant, I just want to enjoy being pregnant and talk about it without feeling guilty as so many of us are holding their breaths through first tri..

Lotsa Love girls and stop worrying and start buying baby things... :cheer:
x x x

EDITED TO ADD: Im not in anyway trying to discourage people from posting their concerns or worries, Im merely asking for more happy vibes too - we need a better balance. Especially for all the new first tri-ers!

I also completely understand where people who've had miscarriages are coming from, Ive had one myself. Although it was years ago its still in my mind.

And suggesting retail therapy was a light-hearted joke people...Im just trying to be happy :wall: :wall: :wall:

anyway here's what Ive brought so far... :rotfl:

it works and Im soooo excited!!

wow, that is great...we haven't bought anything yet...but i want to now!!!!
Going for my nuchal scan this evening...wish me luck!! :wave:
im happy now ive seen my bean lol
and omg is that all uve brought?
i have like 3x that amount lol but im addicted to buying :D
manda xx
i agree with you completely i am one of those people who worrys about everything not just pregnancy. I and i do confess to posting a few unhappy threads because i always feel so much better from the replies i get knowing that im not the only one feeling like that. I never realised i was dragging others down.

But i do agree that we will all worry and that is not going to change so lets make first tri a happy and exciting place to be from now on.
oh i gotta get buying got some catching up to do lol
Tillytots said:
here's what Ive brought so far... :rotfl:

it works and Im soooo excited!!


I think you might just have more things than me... and I¡ve only got 108 days left... but you can blame my mum and DH for that... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I remember being really scared I'd miscarry during my first 12 weeks (As I had a lot of stress and bleeding) so didn't feel like celebrating just in case.... I think I would find it hard seeing all the baby things knowing there would be no baby... I'm much more positive now, but me and DD seem to be the only ones... DH bless him is having problems at work, and at the moment, a baby is the last thing on his mind... he's like me with the whole...I'll do it tomorrow.. :roll:

My mum, well..has her doubts the baby will be born alive and won't acknowledge that nowadays, babies from 24 weeks can survive... She had one at 28 weeks 30 years ago and well they didn't have the medical advances they have nowadays...

I'd love to have someone to natter too over this and get excited, but with so many apprehensive people around me it's quite hard... :( But again, I suppose I've had quite a few problems with this pregnancy, so I can see why...

But your right...there are more happy people in 2nd tri though.. although, you might want to re phrase that with...there are more crazy people..- :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
GOOD LUCK AnnaR2B :hug: then let the shopping commence :cheer: :cheer:

No Manda, Ive got a cot full of stuff at the end of the bed and my Mum has tons more stuff she's brought this week :D Cannot wait to get it all. Im off shopping this weekend. On my list is Moses Basket, Grobag egg themometer, cot matress, bedding..omg so much stuff!!!

take some pics then hun show us what you got :D
x x
I'm well up for that Party Tilly Tots. I'm blinkin loving being pregnant! 5 weeks today okay not a big number but 5 more than I was for most of the year so :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I haven't bought anything yet but I have got the nursery all planned out.

Great thread lets keep it going xxxx
I will have to get a pic of my wee pile of baby things! Unfortunately i can't really afford to go mad right now and i don't have the space(once ive had the scan i need to do a huge clear out lol)

Good post and you're right theres a lot of negative around here. We all need to realise how blessed we are(no matter what the circumstances) and look forward with a smile xx :hug:
Lots of ladies having trouble lately, lots of concerns. But you're right, there really is absolutely NO POINT in worrying yourself silly, so why not enjoy it while you can, even if things DO go wrong in the end? It's a hard attitude to keep up though, especially if you've had one or more miscarriages in the past, and even if you haven't... it's a very scary time.

I am so glad I am pregnant, and can't wait for my 12 week scan! After it's done, I'm going to go and look in all the baby stores - not buy though, gonna wait until I move back to Canada as I don't want to have to lug extra stuff over. :wink:

I can't wait to have a nice big pregnant belly, it's sooo exciting.
sorry for the delay have used hubbys phone to take pics quite a few i must warn you all just uploading them now :D
taken a pic of a few of each thing so you get the idea mum has loads at her house aswell
manda xx
Tillytots said:
When I arrived in first tri there were some amazing people in here and it was a cheery place to be. Being pregnant was exciting. Now alot - (not all) of the positive people have moved to 2nd tri and we seem to be left with a whole trimester of worry heads :?

Mmnn maybe everyone in 2nd Tri is happier because they have already been through the worrying first 13 weeks?

I do agree that if something is going to go wrong then there's probably not much you can do about it, but on the other hand I don't think we should discourage women from posting their worries and concerns - many women post on here because they don't have others to support them in their everyday lives.

Women who have already suffered a miscarriage will need that little bit of extra support - human nature I'm afraid.

I'm all for the positive thinking, but lets not discourage people from posting their worries and concerns...perhaps reassuring these women would be a better tactic rather than requesting that they only think happy thoughts and indulge in serious retail therapy.
I'm so sorry.... I am a complete worrier pregnant or not and this is really stressful as I'm now classed as high risk(too fat,too old previous stillbirth etc....)

Brownies honour that I will not moan or complain or worry any more (fast chance LMAO :rotfl: ) but I promise I will try!!!!!!!!!!.
ok took some pics...although my mum has tons at hers cos shes been secretly buying boy stuff! grr rlol





im loving the hugely cute but highly impractical slippers! ellie bought them though!
Just popping back to send you all some happy vibes :D :D :D .
Remember ladies the odds are very much stacked FOR you having a healthy pregnancy and having a healthy baby at the end of it. AND if something bad was to happen then it's gonna happen, no amount of worrying and stressing is gonna change that, and worry and stress isn't good for you or your baby. So Stay positive and happy ladies :cheer: :cheer:
sunnyday said:
Mmnn maybe everyone in 2nd Tri is happier because they have already been through the worrying first 13 weeks?

I do agree that if something is going to go wrong then there's probably not much you can do about it, but on the other hand I don't think we should discourage women from posting their worries and concerns - many women post on here because they don't have others to support them in their everyday lives.

Women who have already suffered a miscarriage will need that little bit of extra support - human nature I'm afraid.

I'm all for the positive thinking, but lets not discourage people from posting their worries and concerns...perhaps reassuring these women would be a better tactic rather than requesting that they only think happy thoughts and indulge in serious retail therapy.

I am completely with sunnyday here, although I can really really appreciate why you made the post Tilly. Being pregnant is an adventure and wonderfully exciting and you are right to point that out! :D
But it is also really important to be able to share concerns, I have gained a lot of comfort from this forum during this stressful time. :hug:

Lets be happy and excited, but lets also support those who are finding it hard to be excited because they are worried.

:hug: :hug: :D :D for everyone
wont be getting any pics today im affraid the usb cable aint working prop will try and sort it tomorrow or something but i got truck loads lol mostly clothes tbh i also have cold water steriliser
2 carseats
bath stuff
johnsons box of jonsons stuff
2x changing bags
few cloth nappies
disposible nappies
towels and wash mits
2 coats and 1 jumper
20 add bibs different kinds
20 baby body grows (mixed colours/patterns)
20 odd sleepsuits (mixed colours/patterns)
15 muslin cloths
5 different t-shirts :)
some dungeress and romper outfits all soft kind
changing mat
varios other randoms bits and bobs teddies,spoons,samples of things,

mum has loads at hers aswell including baby chair crib drapes ect

will promise to try and get some pics up asap
manda xx
Im coming from both sides of the coin here having lost my bean over the weekend

I really liked coming on here to share stories and symptoms etc with everyone, these were both good and bad

I think that if i hadnt asked the questions that i had i would have been even more worried than i was and with it being my first pregnancy i really just couldnt leave it.

I still like coming on first tri to share everyone elses excitement and cant wait until i get pregnant again but you have to understand that for people who have had a loss pregnancy is sometimes a lot more stressful and i know unfortunately i will be very nervous next time

So lets all enjoy and share our experiences together and carry on providing support and advice to the people who really need it

:hug: :hug:
sunnyday said:
Tillytots said:
When I arrived in first tri there were some amazing people in here and it was a cheery place to be. Being pregnant was exciting. Now alot - (not all) of the positive people have moved to 2nd tri and we seem to be left with a whole trimester of worry heads :?

Mmnn maybe everyone in 2nd Tri is happier because they have already been through the worrying first 13 weeks?

I do agree that if something is going to go wrong then there's probably not much you can do about it, but on the other hand I don't think we should discourage women from posting their worries and concerns - many women post on here because they don't have others to support them in their everyday lives.

Women who have already suffered a miscarriage will need that little bit of extra support - human nature I'm afraid.

I'm all for the positive thinking, but lets not discourage people from posting their worries and concerns...perhaps reassuring these women would be a better tactic rather than requesting that they only think happy thoughts and indulge in serious retail therapy.

Sorry hun, shoulda worded it a bit better. The happy 2nd tri ladies were happy when they were going through first tri, they've been really positive since day one.

I wasnt trying to discourage anyone to post their concerns at all, far from it. I wasnt trying to make anyone feel bad either for posting their worries. I just meant lately there only seems to be negativity and it far outweighs the good. I know for a fact that I'l post a few of my worries before this baby comes into the world!!!

If I had just got my BFP and flicked through the posts in first tri Id be s**ting myself to be honest. Although its good to know others feel the same & worried its easy to get carried away with it and you start to focus on the wrong things. All of us including me are guilty of it. I have sat and read into things too much, researched things on internet.

Its not like I dont get where people are coming from. I've had a miscarriage, my mum has which I remember well - we buried the baby in the garden under a butterfly plant, my nan had a stillborn little girl...Im not immune to things that can go wrong.....I just think being pregnant should be fun!

So if you girls are worried about things carry on posting but for christ sake dont forget to be happy too :hug:


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