Calculating Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Is it just me or is it a bit confusing about "how far gone" you are? My last period started on 25th April 2006, so according to the calculations I'm four weeks pregnant. But as I'm still taking my temps every day it's been 32 two days since my last period - so that's 5 weeks!

But then again I only ovulated on day 14, so does that make me three weeks???

Very confusing.
Hi babe

You take your date from the first day of your last period,when you go and have your first scan they will be able to give you a more accurate date by the size of the baby. :)
My period date made me due on the 30th October but after my scan it was changed to the 12th November.

Good luck xx
I calculated my last period from the 25th April which made me a little over 4 weeks pregnant & due on the 30th January 07 although I think I got that wrong & it should of been the 31st January 07. Its all just a rough idea until like Nikki after her scan the dates were changed.

Good luck & lots of wishes for a healthy you & healthy baby.

You're on about the same time-line as me then Wobbles!! How's it going?
I'm so sorry. It's a very scary time and we all live in fear of the worst happening. My sister m/c two years ago at 6 weeks and she hasn't managed to conceive since so I'm just taking every day as it comes......

I wish you all the luck in the world xxxx
Very testing times.

I feared you asking that question to be honest & then wasn't sure how to reply because I didn't want to cause worry - You know (?)

Too be honest I think I have problems & I am due for some tests. Well they were due yesterday but they couldn't with me falling. I had my HCG done Wednesday so they are unsure but they will know today as my bleeding started yesterday.

I said before nature had its way & I still stand by it 'don't worry until someone tells you you should'

I'm worrying anyway!! Nothing stops it does it? If you read the stats on all the internet sites it's enough to put you off for life anyway! OH has banned me from looking some stuff up.

You're totally right thought - I'm a great believer in nature too and if it's not meant to be it's for a reason. Easy words to type - much hard to live by.

Google is the devil when it comes to searching up every ache, pain & cramp in pregnancy. It sent me crackers on my previous loss. My OH too in exact words said 'leave the f'ing thing alone' :shock:

I stick to here the girl's are honest & supportive & it's reality in one place rather than 100 other places & 1000's of other so called medical advise sites. If anything a little wish of good luck can make you feel better.

Rather than worrying about your pregnancy maybe you should worry how your going to cope for 18 years :wink: :lol:
That's very good advice -it was nice talking to you!

I'd better get back to work now - talk again soon???
Sorry I disappeared to the hospital I was sat here waiting on OH putting his makeup on :roll: :lol:

Nice talking to you too :angel:

Had my blood taken for HCG & will get my result at 4. I know it's VERY low or completely gone. BFN on HTPs now. Completely crazy how quick that turned. I'm very uncomfortable today :(

I have LOADS of work to do as well. I wanted to finish at 3 but can't because I had to go there & I have friends here for the weekend arriving late afternoon. Oh well should be a good weekend. :D
Upwards and onwards my girl!!!! We're all here for you! It's so nice to talk to some at last!

Haven't even told my mum yet 'cos of what happened to my sister a few years ago. Don't want her getting all excited and then something go wrong.
I'm happy as I can be.

I was due for an appointment yesterday for reoccurring miscarriages but with all this it was put on hold but because I went in there & told them I was bleeding & asked if they would take my bloods they did. Very nice bunch in my EPU. So I have to stay positive.

I think I will stay low next time too apart from here - My first loss was a nightmare I spotted before AF was due for days - had AF - then spotted again for days. 2 months of bloods & hospital trips/stays. :wall: I'm REALLY :pray: it doesn't repeat. My levels wouldn't go down (ectopic). We really had high hopes this time with none of the feelings I had back then.

How old are you Shaz if you don't mind me asking? I'm 25 :D
Ignore that question I just seen you age on another post :oops:
hi there - I just wanted to say that having read your posts, it is indeed very tricky when trying to work out your due date. If I worked mine out from the first day of my last period (5th March), then it would work out that I'm roughly 12-13 weeks. But I had a scare not so long ago and had a scan (I was spotting), and when they scanned me, this has now set me back to about 10-11 weeks??!! :think: I think the only time you will get an honest due date is when you have your 12 weeks scan.

I have also been like many others and worry constantly that I'll miss carry. but I aslso have to think that since the spotting I havent had any pains or bleeding so hopefully things wil be ok.

Good luck and hugs to all of you!! These forums really have been fantastic to me!! :wink:
yes. I'm 35 in June -and we're getting married in September! Talk about good timing!!
I'm trying to get him up that path Shaz :lol:

& hello sammie2173 :D x
Hi Sammie!!

I'm off on hols to Scotland (where OH comes from) on Monday so I'll be off line for a while girlies, but I'll catch up when I'm back.

All being well that's the week I go to the drs to confirm, but from what I've read on other posts your GP doesn't do a lot anywaY!!

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