
Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Can anyone answer this question. I have had two c sections and i am just pregnant with my third. Will i have to have another c section or can i try for a natural birth?

as far as i am aware and this is not through experience or definate knowledge, i think they will let u try to give birth naturally (if u insist it`s what u want) but they would prefer u to have a section. only as there is a slight chance the previous scars could rupture.

hope that helps alittle
hi davina

i'am on my third child and i'm having yet another c-section i don't know if its different up here in aberdeen scotland but i didn't get the choice, but then i have expanded rather alot and i'm naturally small. all you can do is fight for what you fell is right for you and your child
hope that is helpful

12 days left till c-section
Hiya Davina

I think different hospitals operate different policies. You must remember it is your right to go through with a natural birth if you wish. Vaginal birth after a caesarian section (VBAC) is carefully monitored throughout your labour and the midwife will be pretty clued in to what is happening to your contractions, and how your scar is bearing up. The risk is obviously that you have a weak point on your utuerus, which can rupture, which is why many obstetricians prefer the safer option of CS.

Hopefully you will be able to decide what you want to do.

Good Luck

Kieren :D
I am currently 34 weeks with my third child. Both my children have been delivered by C. Both my previous and current obstetrician have said once you have had two C's you will automatically have a third. The risk of the scar tearing is extremely high and they dont know it has until quite late. It also means you will have two weeks less to wait to see this little cherub and you can plan babysitters easily etc for your other two.

It doesn't matter how your baby comes into the world. Just remember how special it is when you first get to hold it and then breastfeed

Good luck!

Thank you everyone for all your replies. I just wanted to check all my options.

As I had an emergency C section with the first and with the second they let me try for a natural, (i was 7 days over) and it did not work, so they said that i would have to have another c section. So is it correct then that you have the baby at 38 weeks?

thanks for all your help

Hi, having just returned from seeing my consultant, following an emergency section 9 years ago with my son due to fetal distress I have been told that I can only try for a natural birth for 4-6 hours - after that they will insist I have a section. They also wont let me go over 41 weeks because of the previous section.

thanks for your reply. I am due to see my doctor tomorrow, but i dont think that she will really talk to me about the c section. i think that it is just to make an appointment with the midwife.


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