c section


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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I am booked in for an elective c section next Wednesday because my baby is in breech. I am very excited, but quite nervous:dance:.
My baby is also breech, although I have a while left yet so she will hopefully turn. Did the midwife try and turn you bubs manually? How far along where you when they asked you about the elective c section?
I had an emergency one and to be honest it was fine x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
Only a week to go, very exciting!! :)

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Same day as me hun x hehe section buddies x

38 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
Brilliant, not long now then. I had an elective section , well Ive had 4 of them now, and it's fine don't worry, it's very calm and relaxed , just a bot of waiting around in the queue of about 3 ladies to be done the same morning, and that's it. Spinal is ok once in, you can have partner in there with you, your awake so don't miss anything, don't forget to get oh to take your camera to theatre with you for those first snaps. Don't forget to ask a nurse to get one of you three or at least one of your oh and baby in theatre as we forgot last time...
Sometimes the meds make you sick, but they can give you something for that which works quickly, just let them know. Just remember to put things in a bag you can easily access from the top if left open, you can put it on the chair next to bed and reach everything, nappies, mat towels etc when your in on your own..

Make sure hubby has lots of car park change in the car now ready, as you will be in for 3-4 days and so it all stacks up.

Slippers that go on without help are good!! only take a thin dressing gown, as baby wards are really warm!!

Don't worry about taking too much stuff, I left little piles of stuff at home for oh to grab on visits, like some more nappies, and babygrows and vests etc, and then he took washing home every trip too, (not that it got done mind!!)

It really isn't as bad as people say,just don't overdo it, and take a day at a time, after a week you really will turn a corner , and at 2 weeks you can feel quite human again...

good luck and enjoy
My baby is also breech, although I have a while left yet so she will hopefully turn. Did the midwife try and turn you bubs manually? How far along where you when they asked you about the elective c section?

They didn't try and turn the baby because she has a problem with her spine and they are not sure how bad it is. They were worried that turning the baby could make it worse. The doctors went through my options about the elective c section at around 36/37 weeks. Hope this helps. Hopefully your little one will turn before then.
Omg, how exciting but I dont think I could cope knowing the exact date I'd be having LO I think I'd end up going mad!!

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