C section stomach question


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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Hi ladies...

I had an emergency section and my stomach is vile at the moment, my belly is hanging over my scar and it's all squishy :(

Does this over hand and squishyness go or is it there to stay lol??

This is my first baby and I was really active before I had him and had a flat stomach so I'm hoping I'll get my stomach back to normal or near as much to normal as I can =\

How long did it take for your stomachs to go back to normal??

I know it will take time, I'm not expecting overnight to be back to normal im just curious to hear other people's experience

Thanks xxx
I'll be honest, mine never went back to normal. Now I've had two csections I don't hold out much hope.

Mine does look better now compared to how it did when my baby was born. I also have about a stone to lose and I'm sure it will help with my stomach to lose that.

Mine has never bothered me that much to be honest. I've had two kids and my body has been through a lot with my last pregnancy. I've got to a point where I'm making peace with it.
hoe long has it taken for it to look better?? Is your belly still squishy! I have lots of stretch marks but they don't bother me I just want my belly to be toned again, this over hang really bothers me :(

How long is it before we can start running and doing sit-ups?

I have my 6 week check next week so will they tell me all this stuff then?

I still have a little bit of overhang but nowhere near as bad as it was at first. After my first section I found Pilates really really helped with that and my general belly though I have to admit the overhang never really went, it just didn't look as bad. This time round I haven't really had much time for that and I can see a big difference. I also think the overhang often depends on how good the stitching up was. Another thing is if you're a few months pp the scar tissue can still be quite 'lumpy' but that goes back to normal after a while. Xx
Somebody I know was slim and fit previous to having her baby, she had to have a c sec and has used juice plus and body wraps to achieve a near enough flat and toned tummy. I am overweight and had a sec so used to the overhang but hoping with my big weight loss goal it might look a little smaller although I'm not holding out for a miracle.
hoe long has it taken for it to look better?? Is your belly still squishy! I have lots of stretch marks but they don't bother me I just want my belly to be toned again, this over hang really bothers me :(

How long is it before we can start running and doing sit-ups?

I have my 6 week check next week so will they tell me all this stuff then?


Every one is different, but I definitely wouldn't be doing anything prior to six weeks. I was advised to wait until 12 weeks before anything too strenuous. I also had split abdominal muscles (cos I'm short and had a big baby, nothing to do with the sections) so I've really had to take it easy this time.

If you're only around six weeks post c section, it is still very early days. Don't be too hard on yourself. Even if you feel generally well in yourself, your body has gone through major surgery and needs this time to heal and recover. My baby is four and a half months old now. You can get your body back, but it will take time and patience and the best thing you can do right now is let it heal before putting it under more pressure.
Thanks everyone... I don't mind waiting until my body is physically ready to start proper exercise Its just good to know it will hopefully go back with some hard work in the future xxx
Ive always been slim and flat ish tum Colleen
Ive had loads of sections and its started being a bit raised after about 2-3 . Think if you loose any weight to get back to pre baby and then when tums happy start toning up tum you can get pretty near to back to normal tbh. Mine was super overhangy with swelling but is now just slightly and ive 3 lbs to go ( think its on my big bf boobs)
Cant wait to tone up. I do get left with more of a ridge than an overhang now, which I can feel and see in swim pant bottoms but hubby said he cant see it
Aww thanks hun, that's reasurring, im trying to eat healthy at the moment to lose that extra fat you put on when pregnant, I walk with the pram once a day and as soon as I get the all clear I'll start toning exercises! I need to strengthen my back as its causing me a lot of pain at the moment :/ xx

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