C&G Comfort Trial


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Hi Girls

Been advised by the Cow & Gate helpdesk to move CJ from their Premier milk to Comfort after I described what he was doing after his meals.

Basically he'll cry for a bottle, I'll feed him and he'll take about 4/5oz then we'll burp him, then he'll just cry and cry.

We've been using gripe water and infacol and he does massive burps and farts so the wind is getting out somewhere!!

How have your experiences been with Comfort? I hear the poos are quite spectacular??
We had similar problems with Stanley and he also had a touch of reflux. We switched to Comfort when he was a couple of weeks old.

The change was instant, he was so much more settled. His poo is only just starting to change now as he is eating more but it will be totally liquid and smell of rotten eggs :puke:

Totally worth it though.

Amanda (Tankett) recommended it to me, here's the thread

http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... ht=comfort
Thanks for that Minx. I'm just using up the existing Premier box and I've just given him a dropper of Infacol and 2.5ml of Gripe water before the feed.

He took 5oz straight off of the Premier without stopping to whinge like he usually does. So I made up an extra 3oz and he took two of those!!

I think I'll keep trying the Infacol/Gripe Water combo before going onto the Comfort and see if that has any effect!
We had the same problem with our first child and swapped him to comfort milk and the difference was unbelievable. He changed within a matter of days.I would recommend it to anyone.x
We had the same problem with Ashlea, she settled so much better on the comfort milk, the change was unbelievable it was lovely to see her happy and content. I also used the colief drops and the Dr Brown bottles..they were a godsend but I guess every baby is different-it worked well for Ashlea but then didn't help one of my other friends baby very much at all...guess its all trial and error...xxx

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