bye guys


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I can't be here at the moment. I am sorry. I have got to the place where it is making me worse reading about yet another bunch of ttcer going on to first tri and me still here!

I am not in a good place right now!
I feel the same hun. This wave of BFPs has made me realise how much I want a baby and I'm so jealous of the girls off to Tri 1. I'm hoping hubby will buy my much wanted puppy so I can have a means of distraction from PF. Totally understand how you feel hun.

Hope you come back feeling refreshed and happier. :hug: :hug: x x

You're not alone. x
i really hope you feel better soon hun you will be missed alot!!!!!!!!!!!
big hugs x x
I'm feeling bad too so I totally sympathise lovely. I kept my distance recently and it helped. You take care and don't think about ttc rituals just relax and keep yourself happy - be kind to yourself as my mum says.
I'll miss you very much and I'm here if you ever need to msg me.
Hugs to all feeling understandably down xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh MrsMc, sending you big hugs. We're all here if you ever need to talk Xx
I was wondering where you were MrsMc, sorry your feeling down, think all of us left behind are feeling low at the moment
Hope you have a wee break and come back refershed!

Big hugs. x x x
I am just sat here bawling my eyes out had a nightmare at work today and I have come down with the flu too
Awwww big hugs girls! Our time will come!!!
MrsMc I'm sorry your so down and I totally sympathise with you :(
I hope you feel better soon!!
Missjuly I hope your ok too!! Xxx
Ohh and you too sylvie and everybody else TTC!!! xx
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MrsMc you're definitely not alone - I saw the BFPs come in and I sobbed for ages!

It feels like a real smack in the face. :(

Happy for the girls who got their BFPs but it doesn't make it easier for those still in TTC but we're all here to help and support each other hun.

:hug: :hug: x x

ETA - Thanks Louize, I'm ok..ish, finding it v. hard, especially with the pregnancy tickers etc but we'll all get there. :hug:
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Just want to send you all massive :hugs: and lots of babydust :dust::dust::dust::dust:

Everyones time will come when the can move over to tri-1 but at the moment we all need to support each other and all be there when that time comes around. Chins up girlies x x

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Aww I know Hun! I'm getting really down now! I just keep thinking the worst all the time! I've even been to the doctors during the 6 months of trying and they sent me for a blood test and that was a waste of time! I had to ring back for my results and Alls I got was the doctor telling me everything is fine... I asked her to be more specific and she just said again " your blood tests results say your fine" ... Grrrr! Xx
Oh MrsMc I'm so sorry your feeling down, I know it's hard but try to stay positive
Take a break & enjoy Christmas & new year & who knows what could happen
Gonna miss you poppet but take care of yourself & chat soon
Lots of love & hugs
Huge hugs hun :hugs:

I know how you feel, it hit me hard this morning after I did a test myself & got a BFN. I've deleted my tapatalk app so I can only come on here on the computer (so mostly when I'm at work) when I'll have other things to help distract me.

Of course it's hard to stay away so I've popped back to see how everyone's getting on, but hopefully after this I'll stay away until tomorrow now. ;)

I'm taking a break until new year just to relax and enjoy myself, we'll still be :bd: but I hope that relaxing it will remove some of the pressure. Hope it helps you hun and you know where I am if you need to talk. :hugs:
Hugs to all you girls - group :hug:

Does anyone know how to turn off the emails that let you know someone has commented on a thread?

We will all be OK - just a shit day to be left behind. I am glad I am not alone in feeling this way - if you know what I mean.

Hugs peeps
Aaaw this is quite sad......MrsMc you will be missed greatly. Enjoy your wedding anniversary, Xmas and new year. If you feel the need to pm me or text (you have my number, right) please do. I need to take a step back cos I get way too involved in everyone elses business, should concentrate on my own. I'm addicted I'm sure. I too have switched off email alerts my phone was going nuts! Bug hugs to all...
Wow, these BFPs have really hit hard eh? :(

I'm trying to be genuinely happy but it's so hard! x x
Sorry you're feeling so sad about everything MrsMc :(

I'm sure you'll be back soon :wave:
i agree with everthing!!! whilst this forum helps you when you need, addiction to it can be a bad thing too, cause you just get obsessed!!!! we're trying the same this month - no counting, or ov kits and as my cycle was out of sync this month - i dont even know when af is due so i cant do the whole testing 4 days before!!!! so enjoy the xmas do's and parties and fingers crossed it will happen eventually!!!!

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