bye bye inny button

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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My belly button is on its way out (literally).
It's kinda half-out now. When i laugh or cough it jumps fully out.
My OH said it's freaky. Lol.
Ah well....

How are your belly buttons doing?
for some reason that post made me laugh so loudly lol. I want to do that *tantrum* it sounds so cool :D
Mine's been half out for about a week and half now
waiting for the other half to pop out now
When i laugh cough it goes out compleatly
i sit and watch it pop out when Collier kicks me and giggle like a nutter
saying go on do it agian then giggle even more when he does.

Little things that amuse :lol:
myns still an innie it might aswell stay like that now weres the fun in having an outie 4 about 3 weeks cant show it off lool

ive been preying 4 one since i was 20 weeks lol it never arrived n it never will :(
Awww :hug:

This post made me smile. Lots :lol: :hug:

Mine is on the way out also atm. The thing is, for the first time I can see in it properly, just its not yet poking *out*. I sat in bed last night and was squishing my tummy a bit saying to my hubby about it being an outy now and he nearly cried (wept? :lol: ) saying that it wasn't an outy if I was popping it out myself, but I begged to differ saying it would never happen if I tried this when not PG :lol:

Not long till its an outy anyways :rotfl:
I can see the bottom of mine for the first time ever!!!! I was very excited about this showing my mate etc, i've always wondered what the middle of my belly button looked like, and now i get to know YAY. It's not out yet and if it's going ot "pop" it wont for a while yet.
:lol: fab post ;)

My belly button isn't looking like its going to pop - but I have had a growth spurt and its definitely getting shallower. Think I might have to take my bottom belly bar out as the skin feels thinner :(
oooh i cant wait for this haha, i have a belly bar in, but i managed to just put a pregnancy one in last time, hoping to go all the way this time though and i want to take it out lol
abcd1234 said:
I can see the bottom of mine for the first time ever!!!! I was very excited about this showing my mate etc, i've always wondered what the middle of my belly button looked like, and now i get to know YAY. It's not out yet and if it's going ot "pop" it wont for a while yet.

I'm exactly the same! I always felt like I had a bottomless belly button! 30 weeks and it's shallower but isn't an outy yet. OH takes much delight in sticking his finger in it while stating "ohhhh... almost an outy!"

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