Buying things?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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When did you all start buying baby things? I have not got a thing yet and am still quite scared to start buying anything... paranoid to say the least!
We started buying bits and bobs after our 12 week scan sleep suits, vests, and other little things that we may need.

We will probably buy the furniture after we have painted the room but we have decided on most things, not going mad though as we are staying team yellow so we will get the majority once LO is here. xx
I am exactly the same, I was really paranoid about buying things, but me and the OH went to Ikea the other day and saw the most wonderful cot, so we thought shall we or shan't we!
we did get it and decided to buy things each month and store them in family members houses so they are not in ours haha!

As we are quite early still just buy little bits and bobs for now :D x x
We didnt buy anything until after our 20 weeks scan - and even then it was just a baby outfit to celebrate.
We have now started ordering furniture etc because I can feel baby kicking and feel ready now :) Also need to start decorating before I get too big to do anything!!
I wanted to buy buy buy when I found out - I had a theory that should anything happen I would need something to 'let go' if you know what I mean. However hubby insisted we had ages to buy stuff... Now here i am, 33 weeks and still got things to get. Best of it is - hubby is away until my due date so its been left all up to me! I say go with your instincts! Xxx
If i go with my instincts i will still not have baught anything after baby is born lol!!!
I found something clicks!

I have bought the odd outfit etc but after my 20 weeks i am going to start ordering furniture etc and buying th bulky stuff. i dont want to be left needing it just before baby arrvies, I am pretty anal when it comes to being organised. I want everything to have a place. I have already decorated the Nursery and started adding the small things in there. I really just cant wait till it has the furniture etc but i am waiting till after 20 weeks before ordering that!

Don't worry, hun. I've not bought a single thing yet and I'm 25 weeks tomorrow. Loads of time!! xx
I haven't bought anything yet, but we were given a hand knitted bunny for the baby by a friend. It was so lovely to have a gift already but it has not enticed me to get to the shops. I think we will wait till our 20 week scan is done and then maybe I will feel that we can really begin to get excited.
I'm thinking i will wait till my 20 week scan also. We were in morrisons yesterday and i stopped to look at a box of baby bottles... never seen my OH drag me away so quick in my life!!
Ive not brought much yet but have found that being in baby groups online seem to make you feel you should be buying sooner many people in the fb group im on have everything for baby 25 weeks now and havent really bought much of anything yet.....and feel miles behind everyone else yet when i had my others im sure i didnt start buying much till i was 28 weeks or so
I've bought some outfits and a pack of nappies. I wanted something to drool over lol. Everything else I'm trying to leave til after the 20 week scan, although I have my eye on a couple of changing bags and might get one of them soon hehe.

Dollface my OH was the same the first time I stopped at the nappies, but I told him I wanted to learn the prices so I knew when there was a good deal on. It worked hehe.
Im 17 weeks and still havent bought anything. I look at baby things all the time when shopping, but cant bring myself to buy anything yet. Im thinking all going well, after my 20 week scan I will treat myself to a few bits and bobs but will wait til V day before I buy bigger purchases!
We've ordered our pram but not picking it up till July! I've not bought anything except a little pooh hat and matching mittens and I've sneaked a knitted cardigan and hat made by my mum to keep but that's it this time round!
I bought one item after 12 weeks but ave started buying properly since 20w scan. I want to be fully prepared for her arrival and not be rushing around when I'm 40 weeks gone. I don't think there is any right or wrong time - just when you feel like it, however, once you's hard to stop! Hehe
We didn't buy anything until after about 22 weeks, and even then it's just been a few vests and sleep suits. Got the buggy but that's the only big thing. I'm not going mad on buying clothes as we are staying team yellow. We'll probably get the nursery furniture in a few weeks x
started after my 20 weeek scan with one outfit, get a bit each week, ordering pram next month. Just need to have everything by middle of may xxx

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