butternut squash/avacado (sp)


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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You don'y need to cook avacado at all, just blend it with some milk and butter nut squash you just boil/steam or bake with some water or pure unsweetened orange juice in the hollow (onece you have taken the seeds out) then scrape out the flesh and blend that too. Hope that helps x
Yeah, butternut squash is like swede and potato and you just cook it like that. Avacado is rank btw... we just scooped it out and blended it, but Ryan didn't enjoy the texture ofit I don't think and I tried some and understood why :rotfl:
leckershell said:
Avacado is rank btw... we just scooped it out and blended it, but Ryan didn't enjoy the texture ofit I don't think and I tried some and understood why :rotfl:

I cant argue with that but Clark loves it with cooked and blended sweetcorn which totally changes the taste and makes it sweet. Plus avacado is really good for them because of the healthy fats in it.
Arianna LOVES avacado!!! She gets excited when she sees one.... she often has it sliced as her afternoon snack.

I wouldnt do that "if I don't like - I'm not going to let my child have it" thing..... I hate mushrooms with a passion, but since Arianna has been eating I add them to dishes and she loves them, usually goes for the mushrooms first over the chicken/beef etc on her plate.
I think because we have let her try so many things she is such a good little eater - only thing we have found that she doesnt like is bananas.
She eats whatever we have for dinner. If I am making something spicy then I will cut back on the spice in her portion, but saying that she scoffed half of her Daddy's chilli last week.
Seren loved avocado, get a nice ripe one and don't bother mushing it. Just slice it and let her chomp on it. Seren did also like it mashed a bit (so still lumpy) with banana. It is so good for them, full of great fats.
hows seed going with the weaning? i plan to wait til Kyran is 6 months but the way hes going he doesnt seem like hes ever going to be ready! loves his pints of milk too much! 8)
when you press them on the large end they have some give.

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