

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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silly question :oops:

how long are you supposed to burp for after a feed? phoebe always seems to be sick when i put her in her crib no matter how long i burp her for. poor mite just projectile vomited milk, think she must have had too much :think: don't want to put her down now!
usually for about 5 minutes but I vary his position if he doesn't burp, ie over my sholder then sat on lap, over knee etc. I also keep him sat at a 45 degree angle for about 20 minutes after feeding as he too is sick a fair bit.
you will learn (i did anyway ) how much your lil one will burp and when ect so will know if she still needs more before putting her down , but sometime they'll still be a lil sick

watch how many time its projectile tho as that may be a sign of reflux
G3M said:
watch how many time its projectile tho as that may be a sign of reflux

hmm i did wonder that. quite often it comes out of her nose. :shock:

will mention it to health visitor when she comes

Kyran still burps in the middle of a bottle and then straight away at the end. but i can guarentee, right the way through to the next feed, if i pick him up and rub his back he will burp again. Sometimes that will be it but sometimes we carry on like that until his next feed :shock: hes very windy! and from both ends!! :roll:

He use to projectile vomit to when he was very young. hes still sicky now occassionally.

I find that burping him 15mins after a bottle seems to stop him being as sick. Now he usually throws up when he burps! i think he just likes making a mess! :rotfl:

Also when he was the same age as your little one i use to burp him after every oz and that use to help.

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