

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Is there some magic way to burp a baby??? Lol! Most of the time Corey takes forever to burp and sometimes even after burping he's still full of wind but won't burp any more. He'll usually burp fine after 2-3 oz but after finishing the rest he just won't. I've tried infacol which helped to start with but now he seems to have gotten used to it. Someone recommended colief drops so I'll give them a go during the week. The midwife suggested I put him down after 5 mins of trying but I really don't want to as he sometimes gets sick if he doesn't burp. This is a big problem during the night. Any tips??? PLEASE???:lol:
Mine only really burped if I either:

Put them with their tummy on my shoulder, like a firemans lift, then stood up and bounced gently at the knees


Dh used to sit him on his knee one hand under chin, supporting his weight, and the other one tapping his back

Hope you find something that helps xx
If charley doesn't burp I put him over my shoulder! Normally the pressure on his tummy makes him burp!
I put seb over my shoulder too x it's the only way he'll burp properly x
Yep I try all of them with corey but still no luck.

Howeverrr I got the colief drops today and they have been working wonders so far. You put them in the milk half an hour before a feed. Coreys been burping quite a few times at every feed and I don't have to sit there for hours trying to burp him. They're great! :D
oh gosh Jack hates to give up his wind lol.. He farts like a trooper but wil not burp.. Ill put him over my shoulder but find it extremley hard to burp him.. My OH sits him up straight or lift him up and walks round with him.. Other than that im there forever trying. Ive tried infacol and gripe water but it seems to have started making him sick :( 3 grows in 20 mins the other night x
I definitely suggest Colief! Really expensive but worth it!
i sit noa on my knee n bend his body forward and either tap or shake my hand over his back
Blake hates being winded. He really fights it. OH is much better at it than me. I've found rubbing his belly clockwise (as suggested on here) helps a lot.
I lean Cahal forward on my knee and then rub his back. If that doesn't work we do a sideways back and forth thing and that usuall gets it. He used to be a terrible burper, always held on to his wind if he could but these days he's a great burper - as soon as he's upright after a feed he lets rip lol

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