burping your baby!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Hi all!

Just need some advice really and maybe share some tips we've learnt on winding our babies.

My LO has alot of wind and often finds it hard to bring it up. I was recommended using INFACOL and it has worked great ( he doesn't have colic) but still sometimes finds it hard to bring it up.

I do the normal up right winding rubbing and patting on the back and sometimes it just makes it worse and he's sick everywhere!

SCBU taught me a 'round the garden' technique where you sit your baby on your lap one hand on their back and one on their belly (supporting head if needed) and rolling them roun in a circle ensuring their bum remains on your lap... If you get me.which stops him throwing up but take ages to do anything

Anyone else have a windy baby with any good winding tips i can try? He gets so upset with it and just ends up throwing up! :( He's too light for his ages as he's prem as it is let alone throwing up his food!

He's 1 month btw

Thanks xx
You can use gripe water from 1 month, I found that brill or putting baby on your chest and patting/rubbing their back! x.
Gripe water makes alanna throw up instantly >.< Utter waste of money for me! But she will throw up if she cant get wind up, watchin this thread.
DS is so easy to wind. One big burp right after a feed and that's him! For some reason it works when I slightly tilt him back instead of forward, maybe try that? I don't know.
Sometimes lying them down for a few minutes and pulling them back up cab bring the wind up.
I do the same as Esoames, I let Lizzie lie after her feed for about 5 minutes and then as soon as I bring her upright the wind comes up :)
Also moving them side to side can help bring the wind up.

I had problems with winding Lizzie until she was about 10 weeks, I think sometimes it's just something you have to put up with until they get more mobile unfortunately.
One piece of advice I was given was to hold Lizzie right over my shoulder so her belly was pressed on the bony bit of my shoulder but she threw up every time! Might work with different babies though.
thanks girls. Tried him lying down after his feed just now and as soon as i picked him back up i ahd one almighty burp!:dance:

Think i might keep going with this one.

Becky i was told that one too by my mum as she said that what worked best for me when i was little.... and i ended up having to change my top several times a day i was running out of clothes...he obviously didnt like that one!

Lying down for a little bit i think it is x
I used to have to wind zac over my shoulder, he really struggled with getting his wind up. I also would hold him out under his arms so he all stretched out, that seemed to help xxx
Yep the lying down thing often worked for us :) It does get easier hun x
Yeah the lying down trick works for us too, he was a right nightmare to wind at the start and then one day I lay him back for a bit as my arm had gone to sleep then when I sat him up he let the biggest burp out I've ever heard!! Now hes really easy to wind but some days nothing will come out so I just do that and it still works now :)
Lying him across my lap on his stomach works as well!

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