bunged up nose and throat


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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for days now my nose is constantly running and my throat is full of flem (sorry) its not a cold, as i dnt have any other symptoms etc, im constantly drinking to clear it up, its really annoying, any ideas on how to shift it without medication ?
aw thanx for looking that info up. Guess its put up and shut up lol oh joy.
Joys of being pregnant ay!

I've been sneezing daily since mid November and it hasn't stopped. My midwife said it was because my body is ultra senstive trying to protect my LO. So if it isn't rhinitis, it could be that!

Hope you feel better soon. It's horrible not being well :( I really feel for you.

jemz24 said:
aw thanx for looking that info up. Guess its put up and shut up lol oh joy.

Yeah, nasal saline irrigation doesn't sound very nice does it? lol
I had it for 2 months with no let up
It was horrible :( :cry:
I put up and shut up for 2 months but it was effecting my health
i have Asthma and other allergies and having this on top made breathing very difficult.i ended up begging for relife and was given a prescrption nasal spray Which helped and it cleared up thank god :D

Hope your's clears up ok hon
Thanx girls i did see on the info things i could take for it but il see ho long it goes on for first
Garlic and honey are said to be good, but your immune system will be low anyway now, so just get plenty of rest and drink lots of water, and I hope it goes away real soon!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Both of those i cant stand lol. The mornings are the worst i wake up to a dry raspy throat.
Urgh I have the same every day since I got my BFP.

The itchy nose is driving me mental and DH is getting angry at the rate the toilet role is vanishing!! :lol:

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