Bumps in the night!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I have been waking up at the same time every single night now for weeks. It's always 3 or 4 o clock in the morning and I can't sleep. I'm sooo tired as a result and it is starting to irritate me. I've watched some of the most boring programmes on TV, especially that dodgy word quiz thing where you ring in to win money!

Is it just me or is anyone else experiencing this?! :cry:
i really feel for you hun :hug:

luckily for me i only wobble to the loo and wobble back 2 or 3 times.... im sleeping rather well for once thank god :D

to think 8 months ago i only slept with sleeping tablets hahaha
Oh my God. Same here. It's driving me crazy.
Normally I wake up now between 3 and 4 and just can't get back to sleep. Tonight I woke up at 1.30am but only because my OH got back from his work Xmas party but now I'm WIDE AWAKE.
I'm so tired and everyone (kindly) keeps telling me how tired I look but I just can't sleep.
Is it a hormonal thing? What can we do?! It's driving me crazy!
Well as Aimee wakes up every hour all through the night i don't get chance to wake up for a wee! :evil: I do have to go everytime she wakes me up though which is about 8 or 9 times a night :shock: The baby feels really low this time and is just lying right on my bladder!
mermaid said:
I have been waking up at the same time every single night now for weeks. It's always 3 or 4 o clock in the morning and I can't sleep. I'm sooo tired as a result and it is starting to irritate me. I've watched some of the most boring programmes on TV, especially that dodgy word quiz thing where you ring in to win money!

Is it just me or is anyone else experiencing this?! :cry:

Dont worry i was like that aswell..them quizzes are so boring :wall:
Hope you manage to get some sleep soon hun :hug:
Lozzi, I'm the opposite, I used to sleep like a log all night! I love my sleep. :cry: Last night I was awake for about 2 hours from 5 o clock and I just feel terrible all day long! I think the best thing would be to sleep during the day, but I find that hard with OH at home at the mo.
I al;ways make sure i have a good book laying handy so when i do wake up and can't get back to sleep i have something to read! Better than bloody tv at that time in the morning!
yup... thats me as well mermaid... and its not getting any better

i really think its ur body gearing up for wats to come....

mother nature is a wicked woman :rotfl:
I have a habit of putting the TV on as i have always fallen asleep with it from being young. It's like a comfort blanket but it's no good I know! Will have to stop for when baby arrives!
This is definately a pregnancy thing, it seems we are all suffering with the dreaded lack of sleep. It would be so much easier to go to sleep and stay asleep too if I could actually get comfortable!
I am so glad it isn't only me !!!!!!!!!

I wake up about 3 am most mornings and can't get back to sleep...

last night I woke at midnight... ended up watching tv until 3 am then went back to bed and slept till 5 am then up again...

finding it completely exhuasting !!!!!!!

normally I am the best sleeper... as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep and stay like that until the alarm goes off in the morning... all this waking up is killing me
thats what time i keep waking up at between 3 and 4, cant get back to sleep so i stay up and watch boring tv till the kids get up at 5 o clock
when i was pregnant with nathan i would always wake up at 5 am eventually i would go back to sleep. i always joked that would be when i went into labour and low and behold i had my first contraction at 4.30 am- it did stop and start again later but.. weird!!!!
My sister reckons that when baby arrives, this is the time he will have me awake during the night! Never heard it before, hope she's wrong. :bored:
mermaid said:
My sister reckons that when baby arrives, this is the time he will have me awake during the night! Never heard it before, hope she's wrong. :bored:

ive been told that too! my sister got told it but its crap... her lil dude, leo, sleeps at night from 10-8! and she never slept in the last 4 weeks...
I'm quite used to playing scrabble on my fone at 3am :shock:

LO decides he wants to have party time and if he turns sideways then thats me awake till he moves again :sleep:

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