bump picture?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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hey girlies, i just posted my bump picture from tonight in the bumps thread..

was anyone around the same size as me at that time? i'm getting a wee bit paranoid that little man isn't growing, been looking back at everyone else around the 26/27 week mark and everyone seems HUGE compared to me :doh:

thankyou :) sarah xxxxxxxx
Had a look at your bump pic :cheer: now I'm using the net on my blackberry so the screen isn't really big enough but from what I can tell you have a lovely 26 week bump :hug: mine is probably smaller than yours now, that's why I haven't really been posting my bump pics - it's got smaller because of having no fluid :(

I bet by 30 weeks you will be huge and waddling :rotfl:
i bet we will both be complaining by 30 weeks :rotfl:

i know i'm probs just being silly, it's just worrying when you don't match up with everone else isn't it :hug:
With my first nobody knew I was pregnant until about a month before! She was 7lb 14, so a good size. If your tall or have a long torso you may not develop a big bump! xxx
I'm not too sure on sizings but you can see a big difference from the first pic so it's definatley growing. :D

alex xxx
Hi chick-I think you look fine. Mine is small too, but I have to admitt over the last 2 weeks it has really grown all at once-if you compare the last one in here to the 3rd tri tummy picure one i think you can tell...I feel like it has anyway???? All of a sudden i found bending in the middle a problem!!! Plus my midwife said it was ok so I am trying to ignore people who say anything. I was feeling paranoid too so felt the need to ask the midwife last week.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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