Feeling a little low and need cheering up
I know we all have interesting nicknames for our bumps, i'd like to know some!
and i want reasons as well!!
Mine is sonic. when i had a scan at 9 weeks you could see a circle where its head was and a circle where its legs were so looked like sonic running. It stuck big time everyone phones asking "hows Keelie?, and hows Sonic?"
Its a bit wierd but i like it. just worried it might stick if its a boy
So whats your bump called and why?
I know we all have interesting nicknames for our bumps, i'd like to know some!
and i want reasons as well!!
Mine is sonic. when i had a scan at 9 weeks you could see a circle where its head was and a circle where its legs were so looked like sonic running. It stuck big time everyone phones asking "hows Keelie?, and hows Sonic?"
Its a bit wierd but i like it. just worried it might stick if its a boy
So whats your bump called and why?