Hi all! Sorry for the long post...!
In the first 8 weeks or so after Jack was born I breastfed him with no problems at all, made loads of milk and could always express more than he needed and built up a good supply in the freezer
A couple of weeks ago I had to be out of the house for a couple of days and so couldnt express as much, I used up a lot of my frozen milk while i was out and got a bit lazy with expressing during the night which i usually did, and since then my milk supply has of course dropped. Ive also gone back to work this week in the afternoons and so I really need to be expressing enough to give my mum while shes looking after him but im not managing it, hes having to be topped up with formula once he finishes the bottle of expressed milk as he's still hungry.
Im also gutted as I took him to be weighed on thursday and hes only put on 3oz since i last took him 3 weeks ago, the health visitor told me to feed him every 2 hours and ive got to go back next week. Feels like i have been either feeding him or expressing non stop over the last week to try and build it up but im not sure its working, i still cant express enough for his afternoon feed (need about 9 - 12oz)
Today he had a few short feeds during the afternoon but then started crying and crying, didnt stop until i made up a bottle of formula which he then gulped down! I hate not being able to make enough milk for him and feel so guilty about him not putting on enough weight. Does anyone have any advice on boosting milk supply?
In the first 8 weeks or so after Jack was born I breastfed him with no problems at all, made loads of milk and could always express more than he needed and built up a good supply in the freezer
A couple of weeks ago I had to be out of the house for a couple of days and so couldnt express as much, I used up a lot of my frozen milk while i was out and got a bit lazy with expressing during the night which i usually did, and since then my milk supply has of course dropped. Ive also gone back to work this week in the afternoons and so I really need to be expressing enough to give my mum while shes looking after him but im not managing it, hes having to be topped up with formula once he finishes the bottle of expressed milk as he's still hungry.
Im also gutted as I took him to be weighed on thursday and hes only put on 3oz since i last took him 3 weeks ago, the health visitor told me to feed him every 2 hours and ive got to go back next week. Feels like i have been either feeding him or expressing non stop over the last week to try and build it up but im not sure its working, i still cant express enough for his afternoon feed (need about 9 - 12oz)

Today he had a few short feeds during the afternoon but then started crying and crying, didnt stop until i made up a bottle of formula which he then gulped down! I hate not being able to make enough milk for him and feel so guilty about him not putting on enough weight. Does anyone have any advice on boosting milk supply?