brushing teeth


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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so j has his first tooth (well its broken the skin just needs to grow big) how do we brush it? are we ok just putting toothpaste (baby stuff) on and another thing is j depises things n his mouth or being 'forced' to do stuff - ie messing with his mouth/wiping his face etc etc...we dont forceh im to do anything but sometimes when things just need doing like face wiping he despises it!!

anyway ideas...??
x and thanks in advance x
Paige still has no teeth so I don't know, but you can wait until its really through before brushing it I believe. I think Ill be brushing Paiges teeth when I brush mine as shes always mesmorised with a wide open mouth so I can quickly give it a little brush :)
I was using a finger tooth brush with a tiny bit of baby tooth paste But Tegan has 5 teeth now and it hurts when she bites!! so she's got a proper little tooth brush, she has no problem with me doing it But hates having her face wiped!! xx
i got a little toothbrush from tesco and its got a round handle with a hole and chewy bit on the edge for them so i get h to hold it and i move it around and then leave him to investigate it!! he's got a thing for flicking the bristles!!
I use a finger tooth brush with Shaun, and teething toothpaste. It does hurt when he bits me, but it proves to get done quicker with the finger toothbrush than the actual toothbrush. He HATES having his face wiped/washed, but suprisingly, loves having his teeth brushed!

x x x
I brush charley's with a toothbrush and baby toothpaste. I do it for him for about 30secs as he only has 4 teeth then I give him the toothbrush and let him have a play x x
I put a tiny bit on a baby toothbrush and give it to them to play with. The amount it rattles in his mouth he's bound to brush a few teeth lol
What is a finger tooth brush? Sorry I can't decide if I'm being stupif x
i put a small amount of toothpaste on the brish and give them a little scrub, literally 10 secs tho (hes only got 2 that arent even thru yet properly) and then i let him play. he usually turns the brish the wrong way and bites the end. i also do them at night in the bath and let him have a play too. usually hes not to bad but the last few days hes hardly let me brush them at all!!!!
ps a finger brush is one you put over ur finger and so then you put ur finger in lo mouth, it gives more control...i shud get one but dont know where to buy them from?
Only just seen this thread. God, I've been using my finger lol

Can't find any baby toothbrushes round here, only junior ones. Guess I'm gonna have to order online, but then that's gonna be like a fiver delivery.

I hate living in Lowey lol xxxxx
I haven't read trough but I would give him the toothbrush n just let him play with it in your bedtime routine, after a few times perhaps try but if he's not happy keep letting him play with it xx
I got my baby toothbrush from boots, it's with the baby things rather than the toothbrushes!
Matthew doesn't have any teeth yet, but he will just chew on the finger brush, I want him to get used to it before his teeth come thro!
So thought I would update: J loves his tooth being brushed!!!!!!!!!!! Right from the off loves it!!!!!its only one tooth so dosnt requore much brushing but finds it absolutely hilarious!!!! Thanks for the advice, although vouldnt find a fingewr brush anywhere :( xx
I think I got one in Superdrug, but couldnt get the hang of it so just stuck to a baby toothbrush x
Will he not happily chew (brush) on the toothbrush himself? xx

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