brushing teeth **UPDATE**


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Every time I try to brush Emmas teeth we have a huge screaming fit and tantrum. I have tried everything, the best thing is me brushing my teeth too, but even that doesn't work completely.

Have you got any tips to make teeth brushing more successful??

Thanks guys xxx
I just give Brody the brush while he's playing, he loves chomping on it, especially if he's teething.

The only thing I can suggest is maybe finding the right time of day, ie maybe she'll allow you to brush when she's in the bath or something?

Good luck!
thanks urchin, i'll just keep trying :D . unfortunatly she's inherited her mothers stubborness, :roll:
Allow her to choose her own tooth brush, and some lovely strawberry flavour toothpaste or similar.

That may work.
braydon used to be terrible i did it while he was screaming lol
but since his nursery have started this clean ya teeth after a meal thing if he sees his tooth brush he goes bonkers gor it lol and its a fite to get it off him
oldermum said:
Allow her to choose her own tooth brush, and some lovely strawberry flavour toothpaste or similar.

That may work.

good idea, I've only tried mint flavour before, cheers

Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
braydon used to be terrible i did it while he was screaming lol
but since his nursery have started this clean ya teeth after a meal thing if he sees his tooth brush he goes bonkers gor it lol and its a fite to get it off him

I've brushed her teeth while she's screaming too, horrible isn't it? Hopefully she will get better as well then. thanks :D
I have introduced the brush ages ago with Maheen, and I used to show her what to do with it using mine and making a "brush noise" :wink:

Now, she still see the fun time in using it, but I am not sure she brushes them well...
So,in order to perfect the brushing, I let her brush MY teeth, and this way, she lets me brush HERS. She actually sees the whole thing as a game, not as somthing boring to do...

Maybe you could try to introduce a fun bit to it? I know you can find brushes which make noise when they are moved, or you could have a couple, of different colours and let her choose one every day...? (this way you can teach the colours as well, hihihi, you can tell I am a teacher! :roll: )

Take care,
Mel xx
would she brush ur teeth hun if B is having a stroppy day i get him to do mine first he loves it

We usually brush our teeth togeteher then i re do hers myself, she loves it though
thanks girls, some great ideas there, I will try letting her brush mine and see what happens, I'll let you all know how it goes :D
Ewan clamps his mouth shut and will maybe let me brush for about 10 secs, i sing 'this is the way we brush our teeth' which smetimes works.
I worry that i'm not brushing them properly and he will lose his teeth.
I worry about that too Hypnorm but I went for a dental check up myself last Friday and took him along and asked her about it and she seemed to think that as long as you get some fluoride toothpaste on the teeth (even if you get it on with a finger) was fine at this point as long as they're not having too much sugar anyway. I worry because he loves currants and fruit and they have acids and natural sugar in them. After months of him chewing the brush though this week he suddenly decided to brush mine instead of chewing it himself and after that he thought it was so funny that he had a go at his own and let me have a bit of a go too. It's difficult though isn't it? Bristol doesn't have fluoride added to the water so we have to use the baby fluoride plus toothpaste but if I hadn't have been told that by a dental nurse who came to one of our post-natal groups I never would have known that otherwise so that's something to ask if you're not sure.

SarahB said:
Every time I try to brush Emmas teeth we have a huge screaming fit and tantrum. I have tried everything, the best thing is me brushing my teeth too, but even that doesn't work completely.

Have you got any tips to make teeth brushing more successful??

Thanks guys xxx

sing whislt you're doing it! sing nursery rhymes to distract her. it worked for me
By the way, I have a question:

How many times a day do you get your little ones to "brush" their teeth?, once, twice or after every meal?

Mel xx
i only do it once a day, (naughty mum!) some times twice if he will let me!

I brush Isaac's in the morning and at night and he plays with my keys while I do it and, like budge said, we sing. I sing the song that was on bagpuss when the mice come alive on the mouse organ and brush and clean old things and make them like new again. I also always let Isaac have a little go at brushing his teeth too when I have finished. Oh and I use the milk teeth toothpaste.

I need to get out more :oops:

Lou :)
Well girls, thankyou for all your tips and advice.

I got a couple of different coloured toothbrushes, some strawberry flavoured toothpaste (which is lovely BTW), learnt some toothbrush songs, let her brush my teeth and we have.....


:cheer: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

She isn't sreaming anymore and will happily let me brush her teeth, not for very long mind you, but it is certainly a million times better so thank you SOOO much everyone :hug: :hug: :cheer:

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