Brown Spotting

Just went to the toilet and it burnt when I peed and plus there was bright red blood in with the darker stuff and a few clots.

I'm losing hope now, just want tomorrow to be over so I know for sure what is going on!
Just went to the toilet and it burnt when I peed and plus there was bright red blood in with the darker stuff and a few clots.

I'm losing hope now, just want tomorrow to be over so I know for sure what is going on!

You poor thing Nemi - how nerve wracking. Will be thinking of you this morning. I hope all is well. Let us know how you get on xx
I had my scan today. According to my dates from my last period I should be 7 weeks 6 days pregnant today. She pointed out some things on my scan and said it looks as she would expect for 5 weeks 6 days, not 7 weeks. It's possible that it stopped growing a couple of weeks ago and my bleeding is the start of a miscarriage, but it is also possible that my dates are wrong. I have another scan booked for a few weeks time and I will know for sure then.
Oh Nemi I really hope your dates are wrong!!!xx

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Fingers crossed for you.
Do u have long/irregular cycles at all.
Hi Nemi, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you got your dates wrong. Xx
Fingers crossed nemi. Frustrating having to wait....will they not scan you again sooner so you know for sure whats happening? :hug:
I hope its that you got your dates wrong and maybe ovulation or conception happened a little later than you thought.

I think they can usually pick up a heartbeat from 6 weeks onwards so hopefully you wont have to wait too long and can find out more as soon as possible. x
Thanks ladies!

I know I shouldn't give up hope, but I am still bleeding, bright red blood now and had some dark clots a few hours ago. I am about 99% sure I am having a miscarriage, strangely I am feeling okay about it. Obviously I want to be wrong and want my pregnancy to continue, but my partner and I have been trying nearly 4 years and this is the first pregnancy I have had in that time (or ever) and I am still just over the moon as now I know I can get pregnant!
I'm sorry Nemi :( sucks you have waited all this time and then this is happening. I really hope it isn't the worst though and dates are out. Could you be less than you thought.. when did you get a positive? It must be nice knowing it is possible now. I am crossing everything for you that all is ok though xx

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I got my first positive test on August 13th, one day short of one month since my last period. I tried to calculate everything based on two weeks later, but I just got really confused!
Oh nemi I'm so sorry,must be such a worry. I really hope you just have dates wrong but if not then at least you know you can get pregnant and they do say you're extra fertile after a loss so your rainbow might not be far away. We fell pregnant again within 2 cycles of a loss. Really hope it works out for you though,bleeding doesn't always mean the worst. Are you having any pains? Xx
Oh nemi I'm so sorry,must be such a worry. I really hope you just have dates wrong but if not then at least you know you can get pregnant and they do say you're extra fertile after a loss so your rainbow might not be far away. We fell pregnant again within 2 cycles of a loss. Really hope it works out for you though,bleeding doesn't always mean the worst. Are you having any pains? Xx

I'm having the odd twinge in my stomach, but I have been for weeks. Also been getting some backache, but again I have been for ages!

My boobs have stopped hurting as much though, which concerns me and although the bleeding is not as heavy as my period it's starting to show on a pad, not just when I wipe.

I'm the most rubbish person ever at waiting. I don't think the universe will ever be done trying to teach me that lesson.
Hi Nemi , this must be so worrying for you. I'm sorry you're having to go through this lovely. It sounds like you're managing to be very positive. Like you say it's great you can get pregnant! Hopefully though it will still all be ok. :hugs: xxx
I'm pretty much 100% sure it's gone. Today I have had heavy bleeding with clots, stomach cramping and back ache!

Thank you all for being so supportive and lovely and I hope to be back in the pregnancy section soon!
Take care of yourself Nemi, I'm really sorry you are going through this and really hope that your next cycle is your cycle
Oh nemi hun. So sorry to hear that. I hope your next wee bean sticks x
So sorry to read this Nemi :-( take care of yourself xx

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