Brown Spotting


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
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This afternoon I have had brown discharge/brown spotting and I am completely freaking out. It's now too late to phone the midwife or doctor.

Is this normal? Has anybody else had this?
Hi nemi i havent had this but ive read if cervix is irritated during early pregnancy it can cause brownish discharge. Sometimes intercourse can do this. I think its quite common amd if you are not having any pains then you are probably fine. Perhaps ring tom am to get some reassurance x
Sometimes brown spotting in pregnancy is completely normal; I know I've seen lots of threads since I've been on here mentioning some kind of spotting and everything turning out okay.

If you're super worried, bleeding lots, starts turning red, get any pain etc you can always pop down to A&E if that's an option, or call 111 for advice? Hopefully it's just a bit of residual blood from everything smooshing around and stretching in there!

Melly above also has a point - have you irritated your cervix or had any injuries etc?
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Hey sweet I've heard that if it's brown/ black or dark blood it's nothing to worry about only if it's bright red blood should it be cause of concern, if your really worried though I would go to A+E xx
Thanks ladies. I feel better already. I'm waiting for the OOH MW to call me back.
Hi Nemi, I am new here on this forum. I am 6.5 weeks along and am having brown discharge (on and off) from the day I got my positive test result. I am planning on having an early scan this week. Veeery nervous. I also have light cramps but they seem to be OK. I have been waiting up until now to have my scan only because 1) they normally don't see much before week 6 and 2) because it's been stable. How are you feeling in general? Any pregnancy symptoms?
I have had some pregnancy symptoms. My boobs have been hurting for weeks. I've been exhausted and had some stomach pains and backache.

No nausea or anything.

Then just this this afternoon/evening.

I spoke to the out of hours team who told me that brown blood is not as bad and no severe cramps is a good sign. They said if it gets heavier, I get bright red blood, clots or pain I should go to A&E. If not then I should call my midwife in the morning.
I had brown bleeding a few times at about 6 weeks. No pain. I decided to book a private scan at 7 weeks to see what was going on and saw a healthy bean with a heartbeat. I also had a bit of brown bleeding with my first pregnancy and all was fine.
Nemi, I am reading other posts here and yes, everyone says that brown is not as bad as bleeding. Especially if you have no cramps. It should be fine. I get extremely tired too and nauseous and boobs yessss. They are sore and growing))
Had this yesterday and today. Was referred for a scan and all is fine, hope you find that reassuring and hope everything is ok with you. It scared me when it happened xx
Thanks for sharing positive experiences JoeyClare! I am hoping to see a good scan too at the end of this week.
Ljd401 thanks for your positive experience too! I am so hoping to see a good scan at the end of this week. Fingers crossed... How far along are you?
Hi I had brown spotting around 6 weeks then again around 12/13 weeks. There are many reasons to this happening at different stages of your body changing.....the mucas plug forming early on,the placenta taking over and in general the body just gettig rid of old stuff. Or having a bowel movement or sex can trigger it. I know its alarming and I was in bits and crying both times I saw it but it wasnt a lot (not filling a pads worth) and not red so usually there is nothing to worry about. Oh amd as long as there is no cramping.
My datig scan showed a healthy baby and after the recent spotting my GP and I heard a good heartbeat.
When I rang the emergency helpline on my maternity folder both times and was told both times how its more common than people think.xx
Hi ladies,

Thank you for all your messages! I'm still having brown spotting and have light back ache now too! Hardly slept at all last night, now I'm just waiting for it to be late enough to phone my midwife.

I'm praying that everything is okay!
Fingers crossed all is well Nemi! Let us all know how it goes. Xx
Hi ladies,

Thank you for all your messages! I'm still having brown spotting and have light back ache now too! Hardly slept at all last night, now I'm just waiting for it to be late enough to phone my midwife.

I'm praying that everything is okay!

I'm sure everything will be okay Nemi - I've read it's normal as well, hope your midwife can put your mind at rest xxx (due date buddy)
Hi Nemi, I hope you're ok lovely and not worrying too much. Hopefully the mw will be able to explain what is going on and put your mind at ease x
Hi ladies,

Just to give you all an update. I have a scan booked for about 11am tomorrow morning. At least I will have some idea about what is happening after that!!
Ljd401 thanks for your positive experience too! I am so hoping to see a good scan at the end of this week. Fingers crossed... How far along are you?

Hey, I'm nearly 14 weeks. How about you?xx
Hi Ljd401, I will be 7w on Friday. How are you feeling?

Nemi, good luck with your scan tomorrow! I am having a scan tomorrow morning as well))

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