Broody after 'last baby'!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2007
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Ok, perhaps it's just my hormones......I really really thought the desire to have more would not return after having no.3 but it has!!!! My partner went up the wall at the mere suggestion (it was me who wanted no.3) and we've come to the agreement that it will only be even considered if our financial circumstances improve dramatically and we are able to afford a much bigger house!!! I don't know how likely this is really but at 34 my guess is that I haven't got that many more years for these big changes to happen......

It's very early days I guess, a year down the line and I'll probably be tearing my hair out!!! I love being with the kids at home but they are growing up so fast.....I feel like it's going too fast and next thing I'll know is that they'll all be grown up!

I keep telling myself that I'm extremely lucky to have 3 beautiful girls and really I should start thinking about my career etc again but I just can't help it. Having the girls has been the best experience I've had - it is truly wonderful and it really upsets me that I'll probably never get to experience it again.

Anyone else feel like this?
I keep thinking this. I've had a great exprience with Cooper a fab pregnancy and birth and am loving every minute of being a mummy. Although i wouldn't want one straight away i really do think i might want another one in a few years. I'm 32 and single. I know you should never say never but i really can't see me meeting anyone in the foreseeable future its not if i'm out on the town or anything even like that! I know no-ones saying no to me but i just don't feel i'll every be in the position to have another baby :(
Thanks Squiglet and Keli :hug: Keli, I reckon it is likely that you'll meet someone special and it's quite possible you'll have more babies. Definitely never say never - I know several single mums who've gone on to find new partners and have another child. :hug: And I don't think 32 is especially old these days - I know it doesn't happen for all women but my OH has several female work colleagues who've had babies in their 40s!!!

All the best,
I know what you mean, if money were no object and I didnt live in a 2 up 2 down, i would seriously want another, I am 30 next year and cant bear to think Freya is my last, although I only ever intended to have 2.
Dont write it off, see how it goes.....
Me, I know how you are feeling hun.

I had to persuade DH to try for baby 2, although we both knew that we wanted another baby he wanted to wait longer. DH has categorically said that he wants no more and that we are lucky to have one of each. I understand his reasonings behind only having the 2 but there is a part of me that feels very sad that I won't be doing it again, never having the excitment of getting a BFP, never seeing LO on the scan for the first time, never having a bump again ..... :cry:

SIL has just had her first baby and is already talking about having no2 in a couple of years time, I just know that I will be jealous when she gets her BFP!!

I had my LO 9 weeks early and felt broody while he was still in SCUBU. I put it down to having had him early and not finishing my pregnancy properly and the fact that he was in hospital so I couldn't really be with him properly. But the broodyness persisted. Luckily I fell pregnant again and OH is very up for it. I'd have a serious chat with your OH so he fully understands how you feel. Nature has some pretty strong tugs on us women and I am not sure men always fully get how overpowering it can be. He needs to be there for you even if you decide against anymore.

B x x x
I'm already thinking about number 2, but at 22 I've got plenty of time left.

:hug: Hope your hubby lets you have your way soon :hug:
Becs said:
I had my LO 9 weeks early and felt broody while he was still in SCUBU. I put it down to having had him early and not finishing my pregnancy properly and the fact that he was in hospital so I couldn't really be with him properly. But the broodyness persisted. Luckily I fell pregnant again and OH is very up for it. I'd have a serious chat with your OH so he fully understands how you feel. Nature has some pretty strong tugs on us women and I am not sure men always fully get how overpowering it can be. He needs to be there for you even if you decide against anymore.

B x x x
i didn't realise you were pregnant again ...that was speedy work hun congratulations! :cheer:

i already miss being pregnant too and can't wait to have another baby ...i already know i'll be deverstated when dh says it's the last one. :( he wants 2!
Im broody too :cry:

I didnt want anymore after Beth ...was quite happy just to have one baby :lol: but when we eventually decided to have a 2nd bubba i LOVED being pregnant, i even loved the labour and birth and im loving having a baby again. I had to put all her 0-3 stuff away a few weeks ago and i ended up sobbing cos i cant bear to think i wont have anymore :(

OH is being a selfish swine saying we wont have not giving up.... :twisted:

I think if we had the room, it would be easier to convince him to have another one, fingers crossed though, eh?
Strangely enough I feel just the contrary :?
Before Louis was born I was always saying that I wanted two kids, but now I'm not sure at all... my OH says he would like another baby but he doesn't want to wait for too long as he keeps saying that we're going to be too old if we wait (I'm 33 and he's 39). For now I'm so busy with Louis that I can't picture myself with another baby. He is a very nice and quiet little boy, he's been sleeping through the night from 2 months so I can't complain at all! Maybe I'm afraid not to be so lucky next time...
And honestly I didn't enjoy that much being pregnant even though I was lucky to have a straightforward pregnancy. I was getting worried for anything and found the whole thing quite stressful. And I also have to admit :oops: that I would be dead frightened to give birth again :oops:
I sometimes think that I'm not completely normal to be feeling like this :think:
wee man's only 4 weeks old and I'm broody already! :lol:

OH doesnt know (heehee) but we both want a few bubs so I think we will be planning no.2 next year or year after :cheer:

never say never girls!! just after LO was born and at end of pregnancy I was cursing the whole time but I'd definetly do it all again :D
I did feel that but not now. Now its been taken out of my hands (oh'svasectomy) and I feel great, totally relaxed.
Thanks everyone,

Hugs to everyone who feels the same :hug: :hug: It is reassuring to know that I'm not alone!!! OH says I should be content with 3, and perhaps he is right - I feel so proud and lucky to be the Mum of three beautiful and healthy girls, but I just can't help wanting it all over again!!! I keep thinking it would be really nice to have a boy to finish the family (although I'd probably end up with another girl, ha ha!!)

I guess we will just have to see how it goes!!! It's not remotely practical in the very near future as we're struggling with the mortgage and our place isn't big enough but on the plus side we're seriously considering moving to a cheaper area so we can get more for our money. I'm not going to completely give up on the idea even though I know it will be extremely difficult to convince OH.
Hi Daisy, I'm exactly the same. leela who's my 4th is now 8 months and i'm broody again. O/h says he definately doesn't want any more and would have a vasextomy he's that sure - i on the other hand would love to have more. I'm only 29 now and i certainly wouldn't like to say i'll NEVER have any more.
Yeah, I think my OH would go for a vasextomy too - he's pretty sure (although he hasn't actually suggested this).

He went up the wall when I asked him if he'd ever consider another one (eventually he said he may think about it if things were very different (ie relationship, money, space)!! I don't want to push it as we've had a rough time these past few months and very nearly split up; things have just started to get back on track for us. I'm not going to give up hope though. I must say, if I'd known what I know now ten years back, my choices may have been very different.

Crikey, I was 29 when I had my 1st (and she was unplanned so goodness knows when and if I would have had kids if that hadn't happened, I'm so glad it did!!!) I really hope you get the chance to have more Kelsey, I have a great deal of admiration for people who have big families (my OH thinks it's daft) but when you see how close and supportive of each other many big families are you realise that there are so many advantages.
Broody here too, I don't think it's a bad thing, and like you say, having your children is the best experience and they DO grow too fast :hug: :hug: :hug:

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