Broken sleep?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Since a few days before I suspected I was pregnant, I have either woken stupidly early ( plus once or twice to pee) or just woken loads during the night, then struggled to sleep again, to then find I'm shattered by mid afternoon! Anyone else experiencing this?!
I was always up peeing in the beginning and asleep dead early lol
Yeah! About a week before I knew, I always woke up at 5am on the dot and would stay awake until 6. This has now gone and sleeping solid for 12 hours but waking up still tired has took over :-( x
Me too usually wake up around 4 am then feel like I just get to sleep when I have to get up so tired and frustrated grrrr
Me too! I wake up between 2.30 and 3.30 for a wee takes me ages to get back to sleep and then I usually wake up again around 5am again takes me ages to get to sleep again. I will be 12 weeks on Wednesday and have been the same for the last 3-4 weeks x
I posted about this earlier in the week. I have this exact problem and if it's gone 4.30am I don't go back to sleep! Thank goodness I'm a teacher and so have a few weeks off (if you include looking after the other two pickles as time off). I wonder whether it's psychological - too much to think about?!?
It's definitely Frustrating! I'm just hoping this is a good sign, and my 6/7 week scan rolls Around quickly! It may well also be what's on our minds, as I am completely obsessing about being pregnant! Xx
How far gone are you Lisa? X

I'm 12+1, I suppose working 12 hour shifts doesn't help much either :sleep: . How far along are you? I can't wait to (hopefully) reach the glowing energetic stage haha! x
Oh that's rubbish! Only 4-5 weeks, so still early. Sods law I could wake up early for work! Xx
It's so annoying having to sleep in the day!! Xx
Board hopping!

I am usually an A star student when it comes to late nights, deep sleeps and sleeping in as long as I like (I work afternoons and evenings, so sleeping all morning is a bonus of my current lifestyle). For the past 4-6 weeks, that has been near on impossible! I am 16w today.

I find myself waking up needing the toilet 1-2 times a night. I then find myself continually waking up from 5:30am-ish every single day, and struggling to get back to sleep, repeatedly waking, up until I get up around 8:30am-9am. I am struggling to get comfortable the more time goes on, but the broken sleep is just so, so tiring!

I think it's just something we have to put up with during pregnancy unfortunately :(

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