Brody's op. *UPDATE PAGE 3*

Hope all went fab for Brody, thinking of you all, it's not easy seeing them in hospital no matter what it's for.

:hug: for brody and :hug: for you x
Well I don't believe it.

We got up at 6am, got to the hospital for 7am, booked in, got a bed and assigned a nurse and everything. Brody wasn't allowed any breakfast or anything to drink.
The doctor came around at 8, had a look at Brody's bits and noticed it wasn't as swollen anymore, then he put marker pen on his leg pointing to the right one LOL. He went away then the anesthetist came around and asked loads of questions.
We were told we were first on the list, and should be going down around 9am.
That didn't happen as there was a 3 month old baby who obviously needed a feed soon so they took him down first. They had a play room which was great cos Brody just trashed the place and was running around with them cardboard bedpans on his head and stuff :lol:
Anyway, we waited until 10.30, which was a nightmare Brody was so thirsty and hungry and just bored so it was really hard work.
Then the surgeon came and had a look at Brody ball, the other doctor had told him about the swelling going down so he wanted to see. He then said he didn't need the op today! We have to come back in 6 months again but as the swelling has gone down it might be getting better on it's own!

ARGGHHHH! I was so geared up for the op and the aftercare, don't get me wrong I'm happy he doesn't need it, but I just wish they'd have told me that last week or something! I was so nervous and had hardly slept last night thinking about it, then to run round after him on the ward for 4 hours was a right pain. He gulped down sooo much juice when they said I could give it to him.

So yeah, I'm happy, but at the same time........ it was just such an anti climax after getting so ready for it for the last few weeks and being literally minutes away from him getting knocked out, then at the last moment we just came home!

I got in at 11.30 and went straight to bed for 2 hours cos I'm just so drained and feel brain dead. :(
ah well its a good thing he doesnt have to have it done-
its not nice seeing little ones go through the anesthetic and stuff!
so glad for you :hug:

i can totally understand your annoyance though- i've been there in
the nil by mouth waiting to go down to theatre stage..not fun!
Hayden didnt go down till 2pm and we got there at 7. a toddler with no food and drink= very hard work..and then they drop that on you- grr
but still you gotta see the bright side!

Hope it does get better on its own and you dont end up having to go through again! xx

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