Brody's op. *UPDATE PAGE 3*

Well his appointment is at 4pm today :pray:

Will let you all know how I get on.
Im thinking of you Urchin and Brody, Im sure he will be fine as this problem tends to sort itself out :D
I didn;t know about this.

Hope little Brody is OK!
Well he needs the op :( I'm not too upset as I knew anyway as I could tell myself.

The good news is if it all goes well it's a daytime op, and he won't have to stay in overnight.

The bad news is I obviously had to hear all the risks of the op doing accidental damage and him losing his testicle or damage to the tube that carries sperm to his willy :? The doc did say though that the risk is usually for ops not like Brody's but ones that have extra complications, such as hernias etc.

I have to wait now they will contact me with a date. I need to try and get it done before I have the new baby though!
just seen this hu just wanted to wish you all luck nad im sorry he has to have the operation :hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry to hear he needs the op. let us kno when u get a date, and good luck, im sure he'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
The hospital rang today to see if it's OK to have his op on Saturday 1st March.

I'm really pleased, I was worried it would be closer to my due date or even after baby is born!

He's all booked in and now I am waiting for the paperwork etc.
He should go in for 7.30am and if all goes well be out by around 6.
aw bless i just seen this! sorry to hear he has to have an op-
hope it all goes smoothly :hug: :hug:

It was for something completly different but Hayden had an op
to lengthen his uretha and move the hole he wees through..
although it was quite upsetting seeing him put under and he was a bit uncomfy down there with the huge bandage and catheter.. he healed really quick and was soon running round again!
so yeah as you know they are resilient (sp?) little things!

good luck Brody! xx
Tomorrow is the day!

have to be at the hospital for about 7am! I hope he can come home for the night after. :?
awww, I just read this... hope it all goes well :hug:
GOOD LUCK :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: hope all goes okay and that he comes home tonight :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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