

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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I found some brie in Somerfields and it says it is made from pasturised cows milk..can i eat it??? I want it soo much!!
yes im sure u can eat it if its pasturised its the non-pasturised stuff that ur not allowed to eat!!!!!!

yep eat and enjoy! as long as it's pasturised you're ok to eat it....although I'd avoid the rind just in case x
Apparently ALL the cheeses on Tesco's deli are pasturised... the lady looked at me strangly when I asked her if she has any pasturised brie.. and she said that all their cheeses are heat treated.. else they wouldnt' be able to sell them...
I bought some.. but was still too worried to eat it..

Sorry to be a spoil sport but i read the other day that all bries should be avoided even if it is pasteurised. (It was in an NCT magazine someone leant me)
Yes I have heard this too

Its not whether it is pastuerised or not, its the fact that it is mould ripened and just cutting the rind off doesnt get rid of the mould as it goes all the way through the cheese.

I love brie too but dont want to take the risk :(
Not being funny - but a small amount won't do any harm (I've eaten enough for everyone here though :oops: )

If you want it that much (as I did) then maybe make a deal with yourself - eg - I'll have a bit of brie for my lunch, but I will only eat super healthy food the rest of the day... I ate enough fruit for a small country as well which made me feel great.

IMO (and I'll say it's only my opinion) there is so much scaremongering going on from healthcare professionals that you can't enjoy your pregnancy.
Eat some, enjoy it, but don't go mad. (hell, go mad and have some peanuts on the side!)

Sorry - I'm not getting at anyone on here, I just get sick of healthcare professionals scaring the crap out of us whenever we eat anything at all!
I totally agree Monster SIL didn't know she was pregnant and for the first few weeks of her pregnancy she ate pate on toast everyday for breakfast which is a def no no according to health officials.... my nephew hasn't come to any harm!

I was obsessed about what I could and couldn't eat at the beginning of this pregnancy but I soon realised that I couldn't avoid everything so I've had the occasional peanut, the little bit of pate, the odd bit of brie on a cracker, I even had one cracker with my favourite blue cheese on just once.... I just don't over do it.

I agree its all about moderation... but there is no point kidding ourselves either. Its important to be aware of what the healthcare professionals say and then make up your own mind...

As MM says the 'rules' change all the time as to what we can and cant have, which is soo annoying. Especially as different generations then try to tell you whats ok and whats not :wall:

Im not at all saying dont eat it, just when someone asks if there are risks then they have a right to know and then decide for themselves.

I have had things I am not 'supposed' to have and that is my choice.

Its true many people have had things that are so called no no's and their babies have been fine. That doesnt mean to say though that this means it will be fine for every woman and their baby.

Thats why its important to be aware of associated risks. Whether we all adhere to them or not is an individual choice.

Just wanted to clear that up :D :wink:
I agree - it's all choice.
I wouldn't not eat something because I was 'told', nor would I eat it for the same reason - I would do my own research first.

Brie is apparently dangerous because soft cheeses can contain listeria, which is dangerous.
I'm sure the pasteurisation reduces this risk but there will always be a risk. It can also be present in salads etc and thats why you have to wash them first.

My personal view was that, a mild brie won't have been mould ripened for as long as say a blue cheese (which conveniently I don't like :lol: ) so I believe I am reducing the risk.

I am also in a mard with health organisations telling us (and I mean people there, not just those up the duff ;) ) what we can and can't eat.
Apparently pretty much everything causes cancer, and although I have had family members suffer from and some die from the disease, I think it disgusting that organisations prey on our fear to tell us not to eat certain foods.

I will eat bacon if I want to DAMN IT!!! :x :x :x :x

:shock: :oops: sorry, gone a bit off topic there!! :shock: :oops:


and boy did i relish eating my bacon sandwich yesterday morning!!! :cheer: :lol:
i agree come next year they will tell us brie is ok and cheddar is bad for baby :rotfl: they can never make their mind up.

tbh ive eaten that much all my life i cant see myself getting ill from a tiny bit now, i still eat all the thing im probably not meant to.but try and ration it

but today i did have brie and salami sandwiches, and i dont think they let u have salami any more do they??

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