Breech baby questions


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Im not even 32 weeks yet but i now know my baby has been breech for a few weeks and i want to make sure he turns for labour. I really really dont want a cesearean (sp?) and ideally would love a water birth as i suffer with very severe backache.
Im also very bruised on the inside and the midwife said i might feel a lot better if he does turn but its so early on that i shouldnt worry about it just yet as he's small enough to keep turning before labour.
Well im in so much pain all the time i thought about it and i'd like to try and turn him so that i could have some relief from this.
Is this dangerous? i was told by someone at work that turning a breech baby can be very dangerous, im guessing its incase they get tangled in the umbilical cord?
Whats your advice should i just leave him however he's happiest or is it worth trying to move him? and how do i do that?

Hope i made some sense there :roll:
Thanks, xx
The consultant will try to turn you at 37 weeks if there is no change by then. I think it is a difficult procedure and is caaried out under hospital care.
As your midwife said You still have plenty of time. There is loads of room for baby to move still.

Kneeling on all fours with your ass higher than your head is meant to help.
My DD was breech and she turned and of corse being the monkey that she is got tangled up with the cord and had to have emergency induction.. but i dont want to scare you all was well and they will make sure that a close eye is kept on the both of you :hug: it donst hapen very often. try not to worry too much hun.
My son was breech until 36 weeks then turned of his own accord. There are lots of exercises you can try at home, just have a google and there are loads of useful websites. It's hard to say whether they worked for me or he would have turned of his own accord, but I did them pretty religiously and they won't do any harm. I've heard good things about acupuncture too if you're feeling brave!
DD was breach and I had a scan at 37 weeks to check. She'd turned by then the cheeky monkey so I didn't need anything done about her position but she went over-due and I was induced for that reason, and in the end needed an emergency section for completely unrelated reasons.

I saw the midwife today and it seems this baby is also breach at the moment which doesn't bother me except that if it stays breach it could be a reason for an elective section as my consultant may not want to turn baby due to my previous section.

But on the whole, if you search on this forum you'll see lots of posts about babies being breach and turning towards the end - usually just in the nick of time!
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Sam was breech and I was due to have moxibustion (a Chinese treatment) but he decided to come early at 36 weeks so I never had the chance. My waters broke so I had to have a c-section, (which incidently was honestly nowhere near as bad as I had imagined and I would consider one next time - even though I had my mind set on a completely natural water birth!).

Anyway, moxibustion as I said is a Chinese remedy which has something like a 70% success rate in turning breech babies. They burn moxi sticks close to a certain pressure point on your little toes. It was my midwife who recommended it.

If you search for an acupuncturist, they often offer moxibustion too, or should certainly be able to recommend someone.


I've heard that going on all fours works (esp if you do it when you feel LO moving) although my cons told me it didn't work... I'm trying that tomorrow at every opportunity as I have a scan on Thursday.

My Cons says if bubs hasn't turned by Thurs they will book me in for a doctor to try and manually turn him, which apparently is safe and just a bit uncomfortable but not painful. My Midwife told me that they'll give me a muscle relaxant beforehand which makes it easier.

If Bubs refuses to move or moves back just to be awkward then they will be booking me in for a c section but again these things are so routine these days it's really nothing to worry about.

Sarah xxx
My baby was breach up until about 34 weeks when she suddenly turned the right way. Not sure if she did it of her own accord, but I was also doing stuff to encourage her down. A couple of the best things are getting on all fours with your bum in the air, or leaning over a birthing ball if you have one. Try to rock your pelvis a little too, and this will widen the opening a bit and make it easier for bubs to rotate and head south!! Otherwise you can bounce a ball too, as this will jiggle baby round a bit but again open your pelvis to allow a bit more room. I spent almost the last 10 weeks either sitting on my ball or leaning over it, and baby not only got down into a good position, but also I believe helped my labour a little as baby was in a good spot from the start putting pressure on my cervix :hug:

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