breech baby at 28 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2005
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Hello, I am just coming up to 30 weeks pregnant and I saw my midwife a couple of weeks ago. She told me that by 28 weeks most babies are head down but that my baby is breech. I think it has moved already as I can't feel its head right under my ribs, which is where it was.

When I look in the books it tells me that it is normal for a baby to be sitting upright at 28 weeks and doesn't move head down until a couple of weeks later. I wondered what everyone else's experience of this was!?!
Hi Ally. I'm prob not best person to reply as my becky bump is still breech and I am approaching 36 weeks! My MW told me that most babies turn head down at 32 weeks-but yet again that could be another case of everyone getting told different things.

All I can say is that don't worry about it as your bubba still has plenty of time to turn, and they aren't concerned about baby being breech until you are at the 36/37 weeks mark, when they will try and turn it-painful, or advice c section.

Best exercise to do is in the middle of the room go down on all 4's, like a doggy, this was one of the exercises I was told to do as your tummy relaxes and the baby has room to turn.

Don't worry, bubba has time, unless awkward like mine!
K xxx
my baby was breech at 28 weeks as well but by 32 weeks he had turned and has stayed head down since. he is now (35 weeks) starting to engage according to the MW. (saw her yesterday). like you, i was worried too when i read that only a small percentage of babies were breech by 28 weeks - so don't worry, he'll more than likely turn before long!

My doctor told me she was heads down already by 34 weeks so im assuming she wasnt before then not sure?? but she did say some babies dont turn heads down till just before labour starts so don't worry too much.
Katrina :D
Well least your LO's are in vertical positions my bubs is comfiest (for him) laying transverse.......i have been able to feel him for weeks! He is still transverse now, back to the MW not too worried just yet....just uncomfy!
Thanks everyone, I am quite relaxed about it at the mo - just really hoping baby does turn. It feels like it is all at the bottom now! I think it is still wriggling around an awful lot.

Thanks K, I will try getting on all fours.

I was speaking to a friend of ours the other day as well, who happens to be a very experienced midwife. She told me to get my husband to massage my big toes as apparently it is a reflexology point and can get teh baby to turn. I don't know if it works but its worth a try and you get a nice foot massage in with the bargain :D

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