Breech at 31 weeks, worried!

Amy keeps turning between transverse to head down cause at her 30 week scan she was transverse and talk about uncomfortable hopefully she will settle head down soon xx
Don't worry Kumber. The midwife leading my last antenatal class told us that they ideally should be head down by week 37 and if not that's when they look at options of turning/C Section. You have plenty of time left and once the baby's head engages (sits in the pelvis) it won't come out again.

If you are still having no luck by 35/36 weeks try putting a cold bag of peas on your upper tummy/ribs and hopefully it will wriggle away from the cold.

let us know how you get on xxx
He was sideways from Saturday to yesterday and has wriggled back to head up. If he does turn head down, I've been told it's unlikely he will engage until labour as he's baby #2 but ds kept engaging and popping out, engaging and popping out, so I'm just gonna go with the flow with this baba. Now that I've calmed dowm, I've made my peace with it all. There are many advantages to a section, particularly the fact that I know exactly when he'll be here, so whatever he decides to do in there is up to him now. I just hope if he does stay head up that I don't go into labour before a section!

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Just back from 31 week mw appt and the little monkey is breech!

Mw said that him turning at this stage of pg has caused some women to be physically sick and it's gotten me so worried.

Have any of you been breech at 31 weeks or thereabouts, and baby has turned? He has 5 weeks to go head down or I'm opting for an elective. Very much hope he does turn as I'd love another waer birth but I'm worried about how it will feel and how painful it would be for him to turn at this stage and later.

Feel so ungrateful for being so upset over this but it's hit me really hard.

I was still breech at 36+5 in my last pregnancy & then she turned of her own accord around 37weeks. I woke up one night not feeling at all well, so I think that's when she turned. Try not to worry, there is plenty of time for your little one to turn yet x
Over the past week, my little man has turned on several occasions, the scan last Friday was head down, the midwife this Thurs said he was head up. He's turned twice today, it feels really weird and a little bit sickly but once he's in position it's ok. Think he must be a gymnast with all the somersaults x
I'm really liking all these positives of turning babies, thanks ladies! I've had the sickly experience once or twice too purplecandy, when he's gone sideways. I'd love it if he just got into a position and stayed there!

I think they just like to test us and check we're paying attention to them x

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