
Thanks! Had midwife this morning she said to give him top ups and has booked him in to snip the tongue tie. Also got to go in on Sunday to get him re-weighed. She said he has lost 600grams. And usual is 400g so need to get his levels up. So confused about the weight calculations ATM as I was told he is 9 lb13 but 4046g and today he weighs 7lb7 at 3460g. So the 600g weight loss is 1lb3 so that would have only made him confused about that!
im giving top ups and Alyssa usually has 3 bottles a day, i feed her from me first and then make a 3oz bottle of aptimil blue if she still seems hungry after being on both breasts. she dosent usually need one after breakfast but at lunch time she is usually still hungry. it seems to be every other feed that she needs the topup at the minute. glad theyre snipping the tongue tie for you, i asked them to check my LO before we left hospital so id know if that was an issue. Lyssa got weighed yesterday and isnt back up to birth weight yet but was at 10lb 7 oz
They wrote Kynons weight down wrong in pounds too, I would go by grams as most scales digitally show grams then they convert it. It also looked like Kynon had lost lots of weight too in pounds but not so much in grams! That is quite a big difference though.
Yea I'll just go by the they seemed to have that right.

ATM I have given him 2oz at lunch feed and 1oz on the last but he fell asleep on me first and then an hour later took the 1oz.

My boobs are beginning to ache so hopefully a good sign that milk is coming!
My sister used to feed her baby every minute until the baby gets asleep then she will lay the baby in her crib. If there is visitor she will cover herself a blanket if ever she is feeding her baby. Her rest is when her baby is sleeping on her crib.
Baby has lost too much weight so midwife said makes sure he drinks plenty of formula from a size 2 teat (it's lie hes drowning) I now think he's not getting anything from me and should just give up...I tried expressing..but after a couple of minutes my nipples were still dry- nothing had come out - I can squeeze stuff out just not enough! Think I may end up giving up on bf. I still think my milk isn't in! When he does feed though I can hear him gulping so I know he's getting something!
Keep putting the baby on! I believe with ff topple you must offer the breast first and let baby take what it wants and then offer the bottle. Don't forget the babies saliva as well as the sucking is important. Let the baby stay on for as long as it needs then offer a bottle. It's a commitment but it's worth it and can be done. Other girls have success stories on here.

yeah a2m dont give up. i know its hard but you have to keep putting baby on you. it can take up to 10 days for milk to come in in some cases and babys are way better at getting milk out than us. i can only ever express like an oz sometimes between the 2 boobs but it fair streams out if she drops the latch after a min of sucking. soaked my nightie yesterday yet im still topping up after some feeds. greedy girl wanted loads yesterday.
now we have developed thrush so its really painful again but i refuse to give in and you shouldnt either if its what you want to do. it will get better soon :)
Thanks girls! Felt so crap yesterday cried most the day! I am going to keep at it and hope for the best. Hopefully his tongue tie has something to do with it!
Have you tried a day of skin to skin. Get your self set up with drinks, snacks and the tv remote and don't leave the sofa.

I did this with g just in a nappy, and me in a cardigan that I put her inside and wrapped round. That def helped. Xxx
I haven't really done much since I left hospital. Will do more! Also going to get some fenugreek-and hope this works!

Midwife comes tomoz and if baby hasn't put on weight they will be taking him to hospital to monitor him and his feeds. And why he's not putting weight on. I've done everything I can, and he is a happy baby, so I assume he is getting enough. He has plenty of wet nappies. Just not many solid ones. Will let you know how tomoz goes!

Thanks for all your replies!
Oh fenugreek has really helped me. You have to take enough so that you smell like maple syrup though. I also had to top up because my milk supply was low and she was losing too much weight. 6 weeks later after lot of pumping and fenugreek, she is almost exclusively breastfed... Just an ounce or two of formula once or twice a day :). Good luck!
I was told to express but I did it last night and my nipples were still dry...I only did it for a couple of minutes because I was so upset that nothing was coming out. How long should I try and express for? And when you did/do express how much were you first getting?
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I tried to express for 15 minutes. I usually only got a quarter to one ounce all together through the day and 2 in the middle of the night. Even if you only get a few drops and can only pump for five minutes, it still helps. Xx
Thank you! Was getting so worked up about it! Will do it after I feed baby and giving him formula!
its hard hun, it feels like life constantly revolves around your boobs and having them out and pumping stuff out your nipples but it does get easier. today Alyssa has had 2 topups, 1 so that i could eat tea really and shes been content and happy. we have oral thrush so my nipples are sore again but its getting a bit better and once i get paid im gonna get some fenugreek too. basically just either pump or have baby suckling whenever you get the opportunity. i do an hour of skin to skin every morning if i can on first nappy change and while feeding her breakfast from me.
Baby has put on weight. So just need to make it to next wednesday when he gets his tongue tie sorted!
That's great news!! Is that just bf or ff as well? Either way at least he is puttin on. Stick with the bf hunny. It's hard but worth it xxx
It's both. I am sticking with the breast feeding as much as poss- I really want to breast feed so know its gonna be hard. Hoping next week will help. Have got my fenugreek tablets too. I'm not too sure if my milk is in either- how would I know? My boobs ache when it's time to feed and I can hear him gulping. When I squeeze it's cloudy...

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