

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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i wanted some advice re my fatigue and breathlessness. Basically the fatigue came back with avengance around 11 weeks. Its extreme. I feel excusted all the time but what im concerned about is how easy im getting out of breath. I literally cant walk up the stairs without stopping and my heart beats fast feel like i cant breath. I had my midwife last week im not amenic and my blood pressure was fine should i nip to the drs and get blood pressure checked again. I dont want him thinkin im exaggerating but its worrying me and all my real life friends say they didnt get breathless til tri 3. Any suggestions. Ps have my scan tomorro
I get that all the time. I think it's just where your energy levels are so low. Today I have achy legs and so tired, early night for me tonight!

If your really concerned ask them when you go for your scan. Good luck Hun xx
I have the exact same thing!

I walk to the shop every dinner time from work for something to do for an hour and its all uphill to get there... A good 15 minute walk and I have been doing that for over 12 months now .. Never ever bothered me up until these past few weeks!

Hi hun,

I get breathless and my heart sometimes beats pretty fast! I asked my neighbour tonight, who has just had a baby, and she said that she had it, so hopefully nothing to worry about. However, if you are worried, best speak to mw.

I hve this, walk upstairs or run down and oh gets well pissed off with heavy breathing afterwards! I really do pant like a flipping dog!!!lol
I'm with you on both! Just going up stairs is epic and just as I hit 11 weeks the tiredness hit me like a brick wall! That plus jetlag and I'm on the floor, last night I could barely get myself off the sofa!
lol just call the panting practise for labour. dont sound fun tho that, hope i dont get it bad im already terribly unfit :D
glad im not alone lol. Might get it checked out tho because im really fit so seems a bit odd

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