breathless, tired and EVERYTHING is hard work


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Anyone the same.... i took Ellis out in buggy today and i was struggling to push it!! I am sleeping a full night (well waking with ellis for a bit as normal) but i am still tired in the day.

It seems hard work to walk anywhere..... god i am going to hibernate all summer at this rate!!! my baby is only tiny still!!! xxxx
yep, me too! i posted about it a few days ago. it's terrible!
I have been feeling very drained lately too. xxx
yes me too!!... Its awful... feel really breathless... when I take my little girl to school there is a big hill to concour and let me tell you I cant move once i'm at the top!!!! lol

I feel like that, I feel breathless and lethargic most of the time!
I've really started to feel breathless and tired. My lovely pregnancy glow is being replaced by a pregnancy growl! Walking up a hill is horrendous and as I live at the top of one a daily endurance test! I have got a border collie who is good at pulling me up the hills and my daughter pushes from behind! I had planned on working till really late on but I have saved up all my annual leave and now finish work on July 20th although my official mat leave won't start till september 10th (5 days before I'm due!!). Even this seems like a hundred years away!! I'm huffing and puffing when I get out of bed. My husband must find me very attractive!!
Glad I am not the only one, just getting up the stairs leaves me out
of breath. I am finding being pregnant a good excuse for numerous cat naps :dance: All required of course :wink:
Me too and I have to walk up 4 flights of stairs to get to my flat and I have to stop and rest!

Shopping is a bit of a trauma at the moment too, get really tired out and then can't even lift the bags into the car, I feel like such an old lady!

Can't sit on the floor as I get a bit stuck and OH pretty much has to roll me over and help me up :rotfl:
I went shopping last night after work and today I feel like I ran a marathon!! Everything wears me out lately, especially usual household stuff like loading the washing machine and vacuuming!!
I feel so lazy when Brad sees me struggling and tries to take over when he is already doing all the decorating and really difficult stuff ready for the arrival! :doh:
I'm exhausted all the time too. Luckily my husband is brilliant and does the shopping and stuff.
Oh good good! I not just a lazy b*tch!! haha xxxx
Madam Bully hit the nail on the head...I feel like an old lady when I'm out of breath just from walking up the stairs!! I'm only 16wks...What will I be like later on?

:shock: :sleep:
Me too, plus the added factor of 41 degrees C weather ain't helping. Just walking up 2 sets of stairs knocks me for 6. I only have to walk 300 meters to work but I'd need to sit down for 10 mins after.

I try to eat more fruits but it doens' help as much anymore, I'll pass out about 8.30pm til 7am now, first time for that in 3 months lol
Josephine_Beth said:
Me too, plus the added factor of 41 degrees C weather ain't helping.

Are you just bragging!!!! haha xxx

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