

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Is anyone else having problems breathing?? I had a really bad night Friday as every time I lay down I was struggling to breathe as it felt like someone was sitting on my chest!! It eased slightly when I sat up! I haven't been as bad as I was Friday night but i'm still noticing it! Hubby has propped my pillows up in bed with rolled towels and so on which has also helped. But I am now noticing even little things are making me very breathless!! Is this normal?? I don't remember getting it over the boys! X x x
I get out of breath quickly when walking or doing housework hun but not when I'm lying down or still. Hope u feel better Soon Hun x
I get out of breath quickly when walking or doing housework hun but not when I'm lying down or still. Hope u feel better Soon Hun x

Thanks hun, I would imagine you would, you have 2 lol. It seems to be worse when I lie down and often comes on when i'm just sitting down! Think I might mention it to midwife when I see her next (if I can go that long) x x
I get it quite regularly over the last few weeks, I get out of breath just while talking sometimes! lol. I spoke to my MW and she says it's just cos baby is pushing all your organs upwards, so it makes your lungs have to work harder cos you have other organs pressing on them. xx
Hi lovely,

I get out of breath easily, but find I'm getting tight chested a lot. But I do have asthma. I'd speak to your mw. Not sure if you can get asthma maybe when pregnant? Inhaler will help if so.

I was going to make this thread today :p

Last night me and OH did the deed and I just couldn't carry on any more as I got winded! I felt really breathless and I can definitely blame it on Grace as she's really high up at the moment and is squishing my ribs, especially because I'm so petite. I've never had that sensation before but it was really uncomfortable :( I do get breathless quite easily now though xxx
Thanks loads girls, I'm relieved its not just me (sorry I know its not nice). Olive funny you should say that as I outgrew Asthma as a teenager but did say to hubby it kinda feels like i'm about to have an attack! I think I may see if I can get in to the docs cos Friday night it was really scary!! Thanks again girls x x x
Def get to docs hun then. I only got asthma about 3 years ago but there's nothing worse than a tight chest with no inhaler. Xxx

Thanks hun, I think I will see if I can get in tomorrow x x x
I did my fake tan last night and jeez when I had done I sounded like I had run a marathon! Id only put fake tan on!!

I've got the same problem and had it in both my other pregnancies, too, especially bad when lying down and feels like I need to sit up to catch my breath (which doesn't really help much when you're trying to go to sleep...). Have been seen with this in both previous pregnancies because I always thought it must be my asthma playing up, but was always told it's not asthma related but just due to the uterus pressing onto the diaphragm.
I've got the same problem and had it in both my other pregnancies, too, especially bad when lying down and feels like I need to sit up to catch my breath (which doesn't really help much when you're trying to go to sleep...). Have been seen with this in both previous pregnancies because I always thought it must be my asthma playing up, but was always told it's not asthma related but just due to the uterus pressing onto the diaphragm.

That's exactly how I am Susanne, but its started making me panic if you know what I mean?? I am trying to hold off going to the docs and going to mention it to midwife next week. I didn't get it with the boys. At the moment I am sleeping propped up, we have been out and got some extra pillows!
I did my fake tan last night and jeez when I had done I sounded like I had run a marathon! Id only put fake tan on!!


Haha I only walked through to the toilet and back yesterday and hubby said 'Bloody hell Di, anyone would think you had just run around the block' :lol: Oh the joys pf pregnancy! X x

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