Braxton Hicks???? Scared :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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Last night in the middle of the night I woke up and had a really bad period type pain, I thought it was the fact I was on my back, so I rolled over onto my side which helped but it stayed a bit longer then I fell back asleep.

Does this sound like Braxton hicks? I thought these where painless? Does anyone know anything about them first hand?

Any advice will be greatly received as I am a bit worried, scared me :(
I had them last week and it frightened me enough to got to A&E as i didn't know what they were. They confirmed it was Braxton Hicks and they are painful. Mine were very similiar to bad period pains, I had a constant pain low down, and really bad cramps that would come and go. I was very tender if i pressed anywhere around the edges of the bump. I was told to only worry next time if I also had any bleeding, or bad back pain.

Not sure if your problems sounds like what I had. I do often get a pain at night which goes away and have been told this is just part of the body adjusting.

Are you still feeling the pain now?
No i have not felt it since during the night and only had a few more twinges than normal today.

I do hope it's just my body adjusting and expanding. The fact i have not felt it since and there was no blood or anything makes me think it is nothing to worry about. just nice to hear from other out there that have experienced the same.
i have experienced this period type pains lately and i like you assumed it is the uterus expanding and growing. also sometimes my tummy goes really hard and then slackens and aches and i assume this is braxton hicks as well, i'm sure all is well dawny as long as you are not bleeding but if you are in any doubt get some reassurance from your midwife also as i'm sure they won't mind. xx :)
I have had these too. I asked OHs exwife who said they could be braxton hicks.
Yeah my braxton hicks were quite painful too last time. i got them alot. They thought i was in labour at 36 weeks coz they were so strong on the montior lol!
Ur tummy goes real hard like concrete then slackens. Some women only feel the tightness but some feel the pain. Its like preparing u for labour contractions too.

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