Breastfeeding trouble :( help :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
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Hi my baby is 3 days and I have tried to express milk but it's simply not working and it's making me have a meltdown, I don't know what to do anymore. I have an avent breast pump and I've been trying to pump for the last half an hour and have barely got anything but a drip out. I've tried all different positions but nothing. I'm now questioning whether my daughter is having any milk at all when she goes to the breast :( please help :(
Honestly it doesn't sound like there is any reason to be overly concerned. It is quite possible your milk hasn't come in yet. In which case you will only have tiny amounts of colostrum. That is totally normal for the first couple of days. Even once your milk comes in and you have a great supply pumping isn't as effective as the baby so you don't always look like you have much milk even when you actually do. The best thing is to let baby be at the breast as much as they want and it will stimulate your supply.
Totally agree with Bunny

If you are worried then go and see a breastfeeding counsellor to check her latch. Hopefully they can reassure you x
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Good advice above.

I'm not sure why you are trying to express so soon but I would say to stop, lol.
Put your daughter to the breast as much as possible, let her stay attached as long as possible. Consider a "babymoon" (where you dont leave the bed or sofa for a few days, just feed feed feed lol).
Drink plenty, eat well, rest up, and relax. All will be fine.
If you are at all concerned about her feeding, get help from a lactation consultant or BFing peer supporter.
Your milk can take as much as 5 days to come in but as long as your baby feeds often (at least every 2 or 3 hrs, more is better) then there's no reason to panic. But do not give any bottles or dummies during this time as they can (will) interfere with feeding and getting mature milk & maintaining a good supply.

Oh, one thing to look for is at the start of a breastfeed her fists will be clenched. If by the end of a feed her hands have relaxed and un-clenched that's a good sign she's taking enough milk/colostrum x
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Just wanted to add that some people people just can't express. A few ladies i know plus myself can't really express. I get hardly anything out. My baby is 6months so I know there's milk but it don't come out so don't let this make you think you don't have enough. I had a c section so my milk did not come in and i had to express and give top ups. I then had to wean her of formula which was so so difficult so please don't do this. As above keep offering your baby your breast and take a babymoon. I would get everything I need and leave it close by. Its so much easier once you prepare your self that you are staying in and just feeding feeding and feeding. X
I had to hand express in hospital for colostrum to use as a top up before my milk came in (took 4-5 days) have you tried to do this rather than pump? I was only getting a few mls at a time. Have you had contact with a lactation consultant? They came and showed me how to hand express. Ask your mw about peer support too. My lb lost 11℅ of body weight in just 3 days so i was determined not to top up with formula (mw in hospital done it without my consent at 3am!) As said above, feed feed feed. Once your milk comes in it gets easier :) good luck
Hi guys thanks for your reply.

She's 6 weeks old now and after many many attempts I still can't pump and now to top it I'll off she's refusing the breast :( I feel like I'm close to a breakdown :(
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Aww hun sounds like a awful time. I had lots of issues but adventually got there. Don't force breast on her as that can stop her wanting it but put her there when hungry. Don't worry about pumping as that doesn't mean anything. My baby is almost 8months and I still cant pump. Go and see a breastfeeding clinic. Iv been countless times x
Hi, I pumped full time for 8 months and although I hated it had no issues but one of my friends couldn't get a thing out with a pump - it just doesn't seem to work for some people. Around 4-6 weeks was when my daughter started refusing the breast and screaming and it turned out I had thrush but no real symptoms of it. Have you been uncomfortable at all on your nipples? Itching? I was able to get her to take a bottle of expressed and that's how I ended up pumping full time but I remember how devastating it was that she was refusing and I felt so useless. Things I tried at that point were doing it naked as the skin to skin calmed her down. Also I had breast feeding support workers out and they said that babies pick up on when you feel stressed so advised me to try to stay as calm as possible which is far easier said than done! X
It's tough, but keep at it; she will feed! Definitely don't worry about being able to pump. I've ebf two but if I try to express I can barely get an ounce out. As Rose says, try to relax as babies do pick up on stress. Make sure you're comfortable and have everything you need when you sit down to feed and let her take her time. Even at 6 weeks lots of skin to skin is beneficial so don't be afraid to just snuggle up with her all day long if need be x
I never managed to over get much out by pumping or expressing. The only way it worked for me was in a hot bath.

How is her weight gain?

How long does she refuse to feed for? Are you you using formula top ups? My LO refuses to feed sometimes when he has gas or tummy ache. When he was only a couple of days old he refused to feed at all for about 12hrs and I was totally freaking out. Then he started feeding normally again.
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I never managed to express with a pump (despite buying an expensive one, grrr)- your baby will be getting milk so don't worry- just do it as much as poss. It's such early days- these first months are v difficult but so worth it :) The breastfeeding helpline is brilliant- really helped me when I was struggling. It could be latch or position that's making her refuse- they can guide you over the phone. Also make sure she doesn't have wind- mine was a very windy baby and I often had to burp him many times during a feed. Good luck xxx
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