Breastfeeding questions


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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I don't really belong here yet but have a couple of questions on breastfeeding I was hoping you ladies could help me with.

Firstly, my husband would like to be involved in feeding but I've heard that you can't express and use a bottle too early as the baby gets confused with the sucking action. I have seen some bottles which seem to be designed for this purpose and are nipple like. are these any good, and how early could hubby get involved?

Secondly, which breast pump would you recommend, and what features should I be looking for

The other question is - I would like my children to be close together in age if poss. Obvioously I may be of a different opinion in July!! I've read that breastfeeding is a good contraceptive provided you haven't had a period. Are your periods returning just random, or will they not return until you have finished feeding?

Thanks in advance
Hmmm re expressing I was told to wait two weeks so that my milk can settle, I did this and then started expressing so my OH could do the night feeds. However there are some moms on here who have expressed more of less from the minute go as their boobs were so sore. As far as I'm aware (and definately with regards to my own baba) there has been know nipple confusion, fortunately my baba takes boob, bottle and dummy!
I was given my expresser from my sister (hand me down) it's an electric one (meleda???) it's small, noise but does the job! :wink:
Re concieving while breast feeding I've been told it's not a guarenteed method of contraceptive as people have gotten preggers while BFing (I hope this may one day happen to me as I love to start cracking on with baba no. 2!!!), in saying that I still haven't got my period back - which is good news in some way, it's such a drag!!!!!
Good luck hun!!!
I expressed immediately, it was advised I empty my breasts here in Denmark to avoid mastitis. My DH started to give leorah a bottle of EBM straight away and she never had nipple confusion and now 4 months down the line her bond with her Dad is as strong as her bond with me and she loves her evening cuddle and bottle with Dad before bed so totally recommend doing this. I thought it was actually recommended you introduce a bottle before 3 weeks as babies are very adaptable at a very young age. Also I wouldn't freeze any milk in the first month as the composyion is forever changing while you LO is growing so fast :)

I use a avent hand pump and its great if you are just expressing enough for your DH to do an evening feed or two.

Lastly my Mum got pregnant before getting her periods back whilst breastfeeding, hence the 11 month gap between me and my older brother :lol:
I expressed on week 3, and I have tommie tippie hand pump, bottles and sterilizer. I advise using a hand pump before using a electric one so you get used to it.

Dont bank on bfing being a contraceptive :lol:
Thanks for your help - I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions in the months to come!
I have been expressing from day one and I have been told it is important to give a bottle before baby is 4 weeks old or you may find that they refuse the bottle in preference to the breast! But this contradicts a lot of other peoples advice on not to give a bottle too early to avoid nipple confusion.

I have to say Logan has a bottle and a dummy and still latches on to feed.

I would encourage you to express and allow hubby to feed the baby as you will need a break and this does take a lot of pressure off you.

We use the Avent pump to express and I find it amazing - I tried the medula one but it didn't work for me.
I expressed on day 4 as my boobs were REALLY sore when the milk came in, and my milk supply is fine now,

I am using the Tommee Tippee closer to nature bottles, they are fab!! when i was watching ellouise feeding from it, the teet reacts in a similar way to the nipple. when she first goes on the nipple after a bottle she doesnt suck as hard at first, but then wtihin a few seconds she realises its nipples and sucks properly!

Im also using the Tommee tippee hand pump, its GREAT, especially if ur using tommee tippee bottles as they attach to the pump so u can express straight into bottles..
I didn't express for a couple of months, but remember there are lots of other ways for your OH to get involved.
He could be the bather..that's loads of fun, or he could get her dressed in the morning or something else, just until your supply settles down.

If you do decide to express just get advice from your MW beforehand and you'll be fine :D
I expressed during 2nd week as advised by midwife, purely to give me a rest while OH feeds during the evening. I use the Tommee hand pump but now want an electric one as I want to express more often.

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