breastfeeding question


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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I am determind to breastfeed but im worried about having to be with the baby 24/7. If grandparents have her overnight or im out foir the day ect will i be able to pump enough milk for a whole day?
i know that as you bump its replaced but im worried as will i be sat there all day extracting milk just because i want to go out for the day or somebody wants to spend the day with her?!

Please help.

im sorry i cant help, i didnt really express i just stayed with my baby all the time until she was 6 months old! i would leave her for an hour at most if i fed her first. if u dont wanna express and u cant stay with LO all the time u could substitute with formula?
Its advised for the first 6 weeks that you only breastfeed and not express so as to establish a decent supply for your baby. Your baby will want to feed little and often in these early weeks so you being nearby is the best thing during this time. Also your body will need time to recover from labour and so on. The more time you can spend having skin on skin and breastfeeding your baby during this time the better.

It can take a fair few days for your milk supply to come in and about 6 weeks for it to settle down into an established supply. Giving your baby bottles of expressed milk during this time will probably have an adverse effect for a number of reasons a) baby could suffer nipple confusion and if you get too fast a flowing teat will end up preferring a bottle to your boob as its easier and b) could mess with your supply and stuff things up for you breastfeeding.

You are best to let your baby guide you in those weeks as they know when they are hungry and needing feeding.

Also expressing milk often never gets anywhere near as much out of your boobs as your baby can. So while you may only get a couple of ounces off, your baby can get lots more. Babies are far better than pumps at emtpying your boobs.

You can in theory express enough milk to leave her for a day or overnight but again, not in the first 6 weeks unless there is a real need to. You would then also have to express while away from your baby so as to make sure your boobs didn't have problems/leak and also so as not to mess up the supply you have going.

Supplementing with formula, if you really wish to breastfeed is often a downward spiral. You only really need to supplement if you are not producing enough and tbh chances are you'll have plenty of milk in your boobs.

As a Mum who expressed in the early weeks and only did so with medical advice I'd say don't do it unless you really *have* to. I tried it due to medical problems, found it more hassle than it was worth and stopped. And have been feeding my son only from myself since then. Its only in the coming few weeks he'll be having the odd expressed bottle feed as I have hospital appointments I have to go to.

I got and still get plenty of breaks from my son and am certainly not with him 24/7. But those first 6 weeks I was and they are key to successful breastfeeding I feel. I was determind to breastfeed and it was only when he was a bit older did I leave him with other people with a bottle of EBM. And then only enough for one or two feeds.

So yes, it can be done but be very aware of the pros and cons and see when your baby arrives how you feel. You may feel very differently about leaving your baby with grandparens once s/he is here and not want to have too many overnights etc. Also remember even if you have a night out, drinking isn't really happening because of having to feed the next day.
You have to be 100% serious & determined to breastfeed to last the mile really! If you are serious about breastfeeding, then when the time comes, you probably won't want to leave baby anyway!

While I was pregnant, I always planned to go out for my 21st (25th Sept) but didn't because of breastfeeding. I've now decided that I'll go out with friends once I stop breastfeeding because even if I spend the day expressing, my boobs will need emptying while I'm out I'm sure and I can't express at a bar in a nightclub :lol:

Expressing is ok for maybe half a day or something (imo anyway), but having to express for a whole day/night must be a right nightmare!!! Don't forget, that while you're having a day/night "off" your boobs don't know that! They'll still produce milk for a baby that isn't around to be fed... So it'll probably hurt like hell til they're emptied!

I'd not worry about this tbh, just see when the time comes. You might not even want to leave your baby for long anyway. I've spent near enough 24 hours a day 7 days a week with Evie.

:hug: Sorry, I wasn't much help! xx
I haven't wanted to be away from lil miss either.... I don't know it that is because there is a very strong bond due to the breast feeding but I have often felt in need of a break but haven't had one because I fell naked and lost without this baby by my side.

I'm starting to get used to it now... a bit... But I still like being in close proximity. Plus breastfeeding gives me the exclusive rights to sit and stare at my beautiful creation for hours and hours all on my own...and have the perfect excuse to claim lil miss back when she is being handed to all sundry relatives.

Dannii is 100% right, you have to be determined to breast feed and have a tenacity of steel to keep going...There are very few breaks and down time, but it is one of the most wonderful experiences you'll ever have. And remember, only with breast feeding do you get to sit on your ar*e all day having baby cuddles... WHILE loosing weight.. :wink: Can't spend your time in any better position imho.
To add to what the others have said I wanted to say that you would have to find the time to express as well as breast feeding and that would have to be while baby is occupied somehow and if you do go away from baby for a day or overnight you will still have to express around normal meal times or else your supply will drop.

Realistically if you are thinking of spending a few days or nights away from LO over many months it should be possible, though some people cannot express. Or rather they can but no or little milk comes out. But if you are thinking of being away from baby for a day or night or more every week it is probable that you will struggle to breast feed.
since i went back to work millie has spent every monday nite at my parents' (who look after her mondays and tuesdays when boyf and i both work) so im away from her for 36 hours. when i first came back to work she was 8 months old so on solids already only 2 BFs a day but even then i had to leave work the first tuesday morning on sick coz my boobs were so sore!

when she was 6 months old i had my first nite out, and i kept having to nip in the club toilets go hand-express to relieve myself! got about half a cup full each time! (got some funny looks too lol)

i cant even imagine missing a newborn feed- boobs fill up so quick when theyre that young they get like rocks and leak. its awful!

and as dannii said, u have to be 100% determined to BF to succeed as its so tough!
I did express at around 6 weeks to let my OH do a couple of night feeds, but tbh it was more trouble than it was worth. I was really sore during the night and woke up anyway - it would have been more relaxing to just feed her as normal.
She had a bottle of EBM from 10 weeks when we wnet to bed, and she slept through on this, so technically I could have gone out but I never wanted to leave her. I was happy to BF anywhere so I much prefered to take her whereever I was going and feed her when she needed it.
I went back to work when she was 4.5 months and she had ebm then, but she was only on about 4 feeds a day then and was very predictable.
I would definately try and get your supply established in the early weeks without introducing EBM, and when you do, use the slowest flowing teat so the baby still has to work for the milk,
Thanks for all the advice girls it has helped alot actually!
i think overnight trips are a no no untill the breastfeeding is finished then.
I plan to do it for around 6 months if i can cope, and i dont mind not having alcohol untill then
I know its not easy, a tiresome struggle but i think its deffo worth it.
breast is best lol

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