Breastfeeding & Periods


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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I was under the impression that whilst breastfeeding you couldn't have periods. When i went for my 6wk check my doctor told me that my periods would not return until i stopped b/feeding. Since that time i had some slight brownish discharge, i spoke to my health visitor who said that is was likely to be remenants of the birth and not a period. She told me not to worry.

i am today most definitely having a period, if not there is something severly wrong. This is proper bleeding, just like a normal period if slightly heavier. Its 9wks since i gave birth and i have been exclusively breastfeeding, infact i have started to express 3oz of milk a day which is obviously increasing my milk supply so its not as if my milk is drying up.

Should i be worried or is this ok? :?
Hi luv,
If you are worried at all, get yourself to the docs.

But please remember, if you are having a period then you are ovulating, so you'll need to use contraception!

Hi Rita, I've had a period and I'm still breast feeding. I think in most cases your period doesn't return until you stop feeding, but it's also not unusual to get one. If you're worried check with your HV or doc xx
I had one period while I was breast feeding and that was after about 8 weeks of giving birth ........ then not another one until 10 months later once I had stopped bf......

if you are worried speak to your hv again or your doc........ don't think that you are bothering them...... that is waht they are there for

:hug: :hug:
Mine has just happened the past few days but it wasn't as heavy as I expected. I knew for me it wouldn't be much longer as I have significantly dropped the feeds in a day since he has been on 3 solid food meals a day, so I knew it was inevitable. I think Lisa&Alex had one recently and she's breastfeeding and her little boy was born end of December...
I had one last month, before Alex had tried any food, with him still exclusively breastfed.
some women do hav periods while BFing (i think lozzi does?)
i havent had a period yet, i stopped BFing 13 days ago so waiting for my first one, soon as i get it ill go on the pill and take without breaks like i used to! i hate periods!
I've already had a period while breastfeedind, If you worried speak to your GP or your HV :hug:
I have had my period, every 30 days on the dot, since 3 months after giving birth. My baby has been exclusively breast fed until last month when we started weaning, but she is still taking a lot of milk from me.

Some things just aren't fair!
I am seeing the HV on monday so will run it by her again, but the bleeding has really subsided, had 2 heavy days and now there is next to nothing. I'm less worried after reading all your comments, so thanks everyone. :hug:

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