Breastfeeding Councellors


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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Are there any on here?
The more i read about breastfeeding and trouble people are having, the more i want to do my bit to help!
I don't feel like i got spectacular support, but i got quite a lot of encouragement. And at 10 months i'm still going strong. I never even dreamed of doing it in the first place so the amount of pride i have over it is unreal.

I'm just struggling with how to go about it. And would love some info if anyone can help.
HappyChick is training iirc, I might be wrong.

Good on you! :D
My sister is doing training at the moment for Sure start to be a peer Counsellor...not sure if they do it in every surestart centre. It's free training too.
I did a free sure start course a few years ago. It was really good and considering it only lasted 12 weeks it was very detailed. I think you can do more in depth courses - maybe with the nct or la leche league -I might be wrong but I think you have to pay for these. I agree with you. With both my children I received a lot of encouragement, which is half the battle, but very little practical support.
Do you mean a Breastfeeding Peer Supporter or a Breastfeeding Councellor?

Im currently training to become a Breastfeeding Peer Supporter. The training lasts usually betweent 8 - 12 weeks dependingon where you do it. Im doing it through the baby cafe I go to, which is held at a local sure start centre. Once I have finished training I will become a volunteer and help out at the baby cafe and some other groups as and when I can and I also have the option to run my own group. After I have gain a bit of experience volunteering I have the opportunity to volunteer on the ward at my local hospital supporting new mums who need it.

Breastfeeding Councellors are trained by the NCT. The course takes 3 years to complete and you gain a diploma at the end. It costs £4000 (i think) for the course but you can get funding from the NCT. Some info here

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