Breastfeeding and dirty nappies


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Hi, George is 6 days today and seems to be feeding well but I am slightly concerned that during every feed he seems to have an explosive nappy - it is now a lovely yellow grainy colour but seems to reach right up his back and stains his body and legs.... I know that this yellow is normal but how many of these nappies should we be getting a day? I am a bit worried that he is just pooing all the goodness he is taking in :(

He is very settled and content and feeds about every 3 - 4 hours so I am pretty sure he is getting enough milk.....

Thanks for your help.

Jane and George x x
There's no normal quantity of nappies for a breastfed baby, normal is a few a day and also a few times a week, sometimes even less!

I shouldn't worry he's pooping all the good stuff out just because he goes when he's feeding. Breastmilk is perfect for his body, and is absorbed very efficiently. He'll 'go' when you feed him just because his tummy filling with your milk causes his digestive tract to move the last lot onwards I recall.

It sounds like you're doing excellently :)
I'm sure Oscar pooed every feed for about the first few weeks so George sounds very normal :D

Hope you're well ROM :hug:
S pooed once a week, C exploded into every nappy. Both are normal and it sounds you've got the boobyfeeding down to a tee :hug:
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Hi Mildly I am doing fine, although I have to admit to being completely besotted with this little man - my brain has gone to mush and things that I would normally do without a thought are now taking hours :D I still cannot believe we have been blessed with such a little angel..... I feel so lucky having had such a lovely birth and he is being such a good boy - I cannot even complain about sleepless nights at the moment - I'm sure it can all change :D but I slept so badly through the last few months of my pregnancy getting 3 1/2 to 4 hours at a time now is like heaven.....

I cannot believe how quickly Oscar is growing - it only seems two minutes since you got your BFP!!!

Thanks for your advice, and you NickyB - I do feel a bit like a neurotic mum.

Jane and George x
Oh god, don't worry, you worry about everything!
Awww you sound so happy, I'm really pleased for you. Besotted is the best way to be :)

Sounds like you're on to a good thing with the sleeping too :cheer: Long may it continue!

OH and I were reminiscing about this time last year today and realised we hadn't had our 12 weeks scan so hadn't yet told any family or friends (except on here). I can't believe he is nearly 6 months old, where has the time gone!

Really looking forward to some George pics to awww over :D

Edit : And yes, I feel something is missing if I don't worry about at least one thing a day!
Every single feed Angel had a minging nappy. Literally mid-feed you'd hear it bubbling in her nappy (best way to describe it) So many times i was cleaning it off the back of her neck! Usually a yellow colour too.
I think in the first 2 weeks of her life i got through 10 packs of nappies! She was just a pooing, eating, sleeping machine. I've never known a baby poo so much in my life!
For the first few months DD pooed 10 times a day. Fortunately we use real nappies so we've never had to deal with poo going up her back as it is all contained.
In the early days Calum would poo after every feed, he's slowing down now and now seems to just poo 2 or 3 times in a day although saying that he hasn't pooed today yet! oh and he hasn't pooed through the night since about 3 weeks old.
Thanks everyone - the midwife came yesterday and weighed George - he had lost 6oz at day 3 and yesterday at day 7 he had regained all that and was actually 5oz over his birth weight already :D :D :D Obviously I just have a greedy little man :D :D :D

Jane and George x
reallyoldmum said:
Hi, George is 6 days today and seems to be feeding well but I am slightly concerned that during every feed he seems to have an explosive nappy - it is now a lovely yellow grainy colour but seems to reach right up his back and stains his body and legs.... I know that this yellow is normal but how many of these nappies should we be getting a day? I am a bit worried that he is just pooing all the goodness he is taking in :(

He is very settled and content and feeds about every 3 - 4 hours so I am pretty sure he is getting enough milk.....

Thanks for your help.

Jane and George x x

Adam is exactly the same hun!
he has really bad wind and he can poo seconds after i have changed him!
Sounds normal to me.

Olivia had really explosive nappies for quite a while. There was a memorable incident in the car and then the time I was rushing her up to the bath at my sisters as it was everywhere when we realised it was also dripping out the bottom of her trousers. :talkhand: :lol:

They are better now, but she had one the other day when she was in her door bouncer...and bounced it right up to her neck. And I have no proper bathroom at the moment. Fun. :lol:

BTW you sound so happy it made me smile. :D

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