Breastfeeding after biopsy?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Hi, I posted about my boob problems the other day, I found a small lump, about the size of a pea, in my breast a couple of years ago & was diagnosed with a fibroadenoma, completely harmless. Since I started breastfeeding it has grown to about the size of an egg & now become all swollen & infected so I'm on my second lot of antibiotics for mastitis-ouch! Im guessing that the lump is blocking things up a bit.
Anyway, the doc has fast tracked me to hospital on Monday to have the lump looked at, last time I had to have a biopsy & was told to rest afterwards, no lifting etc. Im assuming they will have to biopsy again but im worried about my feeding, will I be able to feed afterwards?? If not it will surely become engorged?? Also, if they decide to remove the lump I'm guessing I won't be able to feed from it anymore, can you EBF from one boob? My feeding has been going so well until now, I'll be gutted to give up. I know they will answer these Qs on Monday but I'm impatient & worrying! If anyone has any experience let me know :)
I have heard of people EBF from one side but I don't think it's recommended or must only be done in certain circumstances! What a horrific thing to go through I wouldn't know what to look for ESP bfing as I get lumpy anyway when full with milk!

Yeh, im feeling pretty miserable now. It's hurting so badly I'm worried the second set of antibiotics aren't working either. Im terrified they will hospitalize me as the doc said they might if these don't work. I'll be devestated to have to leave Isaac & just don't think OH will cope & I don't know if he'll take formula. Also, I didn't need to search for the lump, it sticks out, breast is completely deformed & ugly :( It's in the nipple too so means it gets in the way of his latch.

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