breastfed babies and pooing


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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my lo doesnt poo very regular and i know its normal that breast fed babies dont go regular but she is straining and trying to go but not sure if its trapped wind she is settled after so not sure what to do?

any advice??

Sorry no advice hun but Lizzie has been like this all morning, every few minutes I can see she's trying to go but when I change her there's only tiny amounts.
Someone on here said to massage baby's tummy in a clockwise direction to get their guts moving? Don't know how well it works but it gives you something to do lol.
they say breastfed babies shouldnt get constipated but colbi last night was proper straining and he seemed happy but when i changed him it was like peanut butter thickness and not much of it. maybe we arent drinking enough fluids? x
Yeah I wonder if it's to do with where the milk is coming from! Try drinking lots of water and keep an eye on what you eat that could cause them to get constipated! X
i got told that aslong as baby goes once a week its ok..
if they seem uncomfy n strain n try n push is normal n you dont have to worry about constipation unless babys poo is hard.

if noa have not been for a few days i give him some water n he soon goes. on my baby massage group the teacher showed us how to rub their tummy tweice a day so the dont get trapped wind but i dont think i can explain in words
I cycle Islas legs, that's meant to help. the massage I learnt last week was little circles along the base of the rib cage (below the last rib) from left to right. Also the I love u massage.

I is down the right hand of baby from below rib and down
Love is an L shape upside down from left to right (below ribs and down from tummy to nappy)
U is an upside down u like a unhappy smile from left to right along rib.

If you go on YouTube there are videos explaining it better. If u do these after a fed they might be sick, also don't feed half an hour after the massages x
i breastfed marley for the first 8 weeks, and he pood during every feed! hes been constipated ever since i switched to formula!!!! lactolose is helping tho! poor thing. =(
i drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet so dont think its where the milk is coming from! she is not constipated just doesnt go might try water and i have beenb rubbing her tummy will look on utube for videos

thanks ladies
Tegan is breastfed and only Poos once every 3 days. if she struggles to go the HV advised me to give her a tiny bit of orange juice mixed in cooled boiled water x

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