Breast troubles

Lisa b

Jan 10, 2009
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Me and my husband recently starting trying for a baby. A week after, I experienced swollen breasts, tenderness and bruising. As they were swelling up, I had a very strange sensation all around my breasts and even around my armpit on one side. I know some women experience swollen breasts before their period but I have never noticed this before. This is the first time I have ever felt this feeling...I had it for a few days and then noticed it more in the evenings for the next few days. It went down abit after that, until last night. And last night they felt huge and just like the first time I felt it. And today I got my period...I'm gutted. I had convinced myself I was pregnant. I'm so confused...I just cannot believe I have never felt this before in my breasts. I must get this every month and I have never noticed. I feel like I'm going mad. Anyone else had this? I feel like such a twat.
Hi Lisa

Don't feel daft... I think lots of us are in the same situation... I know I am... I'm almost convinced that I am pg but I have ow done 2 negative tests - still no sign of AF and I am sure I have lots of pg symptoms...but I also know in my heart of heart that AF is on her way :( ...

Onwards and Upwards though - your already into your next cycle so not long til you ovulate.

Chin up

Hi Lisa, I'm fairly new here been ranting on chinese food!!
Sorry you got your period I am waiting to find out if mine is rearing its ugly self or not, I have been feeling lots of symptoms for over a week now and was so excited been ttc for 2yrs then i got spotting this week argh but trying to keep hopeful.
Boobs : all I know is what i get feel etc, normally about 2-3 days before period mine get very sore, bit lumpy feeling and bit bigger. This time extra very sore, look more veiny, feel very heavy and have noticed pink of nipple getting bigger by the day it seems but that might be my mind playing tricks!
Dont know if this helps and your not t**t crikey I feel like a complete fruit cake at mo x x
Good luck for next try :hug:
I'm the same too, symptom spotting! - I know i'm not pregnant but all the feelings i'm having are simiar too pregnancy symptoms...especially the sickness waves and dizzyness.

We are all in this together though so we can all be mad together!! :)

May boobs are the worst before AF, so if i am pregnant i wouldnt notice a change. They feel like they could fall to the ground when i take my bra off. TBH they have been getting worse. Very bruised, lumpy and shooting pains.

Hey its the joys of being a woman i suppose!! :D
i did this last month (and this month) i was convinced i was going to get a bfp at one point but now i think it was normal for me but i have never taken that much notice.

hope you get your bfp soon xxx :hug:

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