breast tenderness going away? worried : (


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Jan 26, 2009
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I have just found out that i am 4/5 weeks pregnant. My breasts were sore just over a week ago which made me do the test but now they dont seem to be that sore. I have been to my doctors who advised as i am very early into pregnancy there is a risk that the pregnancy will not develop. id anyboy else experience breat tendernes one week and nothing the next? I still feel acidy in my throat and sometimes get slight stomach cramps but no bleeding. I am booking a anti natla appointment in a couple of weeks but im scared something may be happengin. Pleasse can somebody put my mind at ease?

Hey hun.
My boobs change day to day at the moment. In the early days especially. And I definately noticed it more in the earlier days cos I was so worried about things going wrong.
Its easier said than done, but try and put what the doctor said out of your mind for now, and just concentrate on you. (and your bean) :hug:
im sure ur totally fine hun! one day mine will be oh so painful! other times they just ache a little. one day im hugging the loo, the other day im fine and eating for england. every day and week is different hun. :hug:
Hi hun, my boobs were aboslutely killing me and thats what made me do a test but it only lasted a couple of weeks and theyve been normal since :D
Thanks for the advice ladies! i keep trying not to think about it too much yet, i just want 12 week to come! i think i will book my next docs appointment in a couple of weeks. Hope everything goes ok for you all too :D Iv not had any sickness yet ( hopefully i wont!) jut tired and bloated. Just need to go and get my Frolic Acid as i havent started to take it yet. xxx
try not to worry honey, symptoms can be worse one day then virtually disappear the next. they will probably return with a vengeance, at some random time! :hug:
My sore boobs only lasted a couple of weeks, but i still have days now when there suddenly a bit tender (usualy when my 4 year old son squashes them :roll: ), During my last pregnancy i didnt have sore boobs at all.
I'm sure every thing is fine hun :hug: boobs have only a tiny bit been tender, but my baby is well - this isn't a sign in itself xxx
My breast tenderness went away between weeks 4-6 then came back with the sickness at 6 weeks. enjoy it while you can, I have trouble sleeping at night they are so sore now!

just thought I'd pop back from Tri2.

I had sore boobs for about 2 wks before I found out I was pregnant (wasn't a planned pregnancy and I hadn't thought sore boobs=babies).

Anyway they were REALLY sore until about week 9, but since then they aren't so bad, in fact today they feel fine. It's just one of the ups and downs of being pregnant - some days you're really tired, others you're more sick than usual....just the joys the pregnancy.

P.S. for those of you waiting for wk12 when morning sickness is supposed to disappear, it's a lie! I'm almost 15wks and still feel sick!

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