Breast pain


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Help I'm kinda worried as I have pain in my left breast. It only seems to happen when I wake up in the morning and eases throughout the day. I just worry because everytime something happens in your boobs you assume the worst, or I do lol. I just want to know if anyone else has had anything like it and what it is?

I'm naturally big boobed (G cup) but I'm not overall big 14-16 so I think it might be because I'm too big for my frame? Or because they are so big I am laying on my left one at night. It seems to have happened since Aaron hasn't been sleeping properly and he gets into bed with us for a while and I stay on my left side all night because I don't move when he's in the bed. Does that make sense? :lol: :think:
try not to worry hunny, they do say if your breast is hard or you find a lump that isnt painfull thats when you should get to a gp.

It could just be some dryed milk still left in your breasts, are you breastfeeding?

im not very good help sorry hun but i just know you shouldnt worry if its painfull but even try ringing your gp in the morning when its still painfull cos thers nothing worse when you get an appointment and the pain has gone you feel like wasting there (it always happens to me if i go with something wrong by the time i get there im fine)

Hope you get better soon hunny take care let me know how you get on
I am having the exact same thing. I've had it for 2 months but its starting to worry me now so i'm getting on to the doctors tomorrow. Mine is also in my left breast and its like a sharp stabbing pain in the exact same spot!
Didn't know if mine was pregnancy related or not but i've not had it in pregnacy before. Can't help thinking the worst, my step dad has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor on Friday and thats making me worry even more.
Thanks for your replies girls. I haven't breastfed my son, only managed it for 3 days. My mum reckons it could be something to do with the milk ducts. Only thing I am thinking is that maybe I should do a pregnancy test? For the last few weeks I have felt a bit off not ill just weird and then this pain started and I can remember in the early stage of pregnancy I had really sore boobs and that's how I knew I was pregnant. It's not the same pain but as I have felt off thinking that it could be possible? I've just had a period though so that makes me think I'm not but with feeling off I'm not sure lol. I'm on the pill so chances are I'm not but it's worth testing just incase so I can totally rule it out.

This morning I can still feel it but it's not as bad as yesterday. Same as you Kellie it seems to stay in the same place. If mine doesn't calm down in the next couple of days I am off to the gp because it's probably nothing but I'm sat here worrying out of my mind that it's something awful! So better to put my mind at rest! Kellie if you go to the gp let me know what they say!

Once again thanks girls, you're brill :D :hug:

Good luck let us know how you get on and hope the pain goes away.
I've got my appointment on thursday morning so i'll let you know what she says!
Hi strangeness -

What you're describing sounds like mastalgia - literally breast pain. Most women suffer from it at some time.

I don't think it's anything to worry about. Do you check your own breasts? You should do it once a month and at the same time so that you know what feels normal for you.

I'd say if you're worried go to a doctor. Stress is just as harmful as a lot of other factors and you don't need worry right now!

Thanks for your replies girls! The pain seems to have gone for now. I think it literally is just breast pain and I'm not worried anymore. I have got some better supporting bras and cut down on caffine which is what I read on the net so that seems to be working for now!

You lot are great, so glad you're here when you need support! thanks again :hug: :cheer:
Pain has come back again today. Not as bad but it keeps moving. Going to make an appointment on monday so I can go on tuesday as my husband will be home to look after Aaron. Fed up of worrying about it now when it could be nothing! At the end of the day I'm only 20 so I can't see it being majorly serious. :cry:
Yeah it does. The heavier I breathe the more it hurts. Pain seems to have moved all over the place now. Still getting it in my breast at times but also in the middle of my chest, my left shoulder and in my back. Gonna book an appointment on monday as this is really worrying me. I keep thinking that it's something really horrible and I am a nightmare to live with at the moment. :wall:
Thanks Kina :hug: have my appointment on thursday, soonest I could get!

Kellie hun how did you get on at the doctors? :think:

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