breast feeding dilema


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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Hi ladies so I've been breast feeding my son since he was born and he's now 5 days my milk has come in so my boobs are really sensitive and hurt quite a bit, (had a bad latch so my nipples were cracked) it hurts a lot to try and feed him at first but once he gets going it's fine and doesn't hurt anymore, the problem is he seems hungry constantly hungry. Last night I spent an hour feeding him and 20 minutes later he was rooting again and screaming because he was still hungry. He was having formula top ups to settle him.

Should I just give him a bottle as he seems more content and seems to settle better after his formula top up ?
From my experience this is perfectly normal I bf my first and just spent hours sat feeding it does get easier tho.
Also I am ff this time and my lo is 4 days old and constantly feeds between 8 and 12 so switching might not help.
Also stopping bf hurts more.

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id keep doing both hun. the bf will get easier if you persevere. cold cabbage leaves or a nice hot bath will relieve the ache or express off the extra milk, its hard til your supply settles down but right now hes establishing a decent supply amount so feeding frequently and possibly not getting quite enough. if you stop bf it will still hurt as it takes ages for the milk to stop. you shouldnt have to top up for too long once the supply of milk has gotten big enough to suit his needs. i top up but Alyssa only wanted 2 topups yesterday. always feed from the breast first then top up if needed.
If you're determined to bf, don't give a bottle. Your lo is cluster feeding which builds up your supply. Giving a bottle will really mess up your supply and it is hard to catch up. Stick to it. It does get better! Hugs!
I should say that if he hasn't been gaining weight, then you may neec to top up, but if yoi have enough milk, then try not to.
mrs km is right the more often he feeds now the more milk you will produce so a lot of babies feed hourly at that stage. i only had to add in top ups as alyssa was dehydrated, losing weight and sleeping more and more and waking for feeds less. basically i had to give formula so she had energy to feed.

Lansinoh cream is a godsend for sore nipples. day 5 was hell for me too but once we got to day 7 the latch was better and my nipples started to get used to it too. its still a lil sore and can be horrid if she latches badly but it does get easier and less painful hun
Keep it up!!! Day 5 was the worst for us. Nipples cracked and bleeding but by day 7 they had healed. they have a growth spurt around day 5 to get u producing enough milk. Don't give up if bf is what u wanna do. Its really hard work when u r sore and they constantly wanna feed but worth persevering if u wanna bf him.

Chin up hunny. It will get better in a day or so. I know that sounds sooo long away but it will come round before u know it xx
Thanks ladies it was really upsetting me that he was constantly screaming because he was hungry, I've fed him at half 11. He fed quite enthusiastically and has settled down to sleep, the midwife tolds me with ladies that have sections sometimes have trouble feeding, but if I persevere with it he'll be fine, thank you all for all the kind words I was starting to regret deciding to breastfeed but I know it's what's best for harry!
I found breastfeeding really hard too. I had no idea they could eat constantly because all of the books say they eat ever 2 hours... But that is once the milk is really in. It is a lot easier to bf than bottle feed in my opinion too. Good luck! There is a lot of support here!
I had a section and I've not had any problems specifically because I had a section. I've just had the "normal" problems.
Another section here no probs due to that. Get some nipple cream and take paracetamol just try and get through it one day at a time and make sure u eat and drink well.


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