Breast feeding day time & formula night time?

Thank you for replying x

I have every intention to breast feed but if I did formula later on I wanted to know times & how much to give :)

I Defintely take on board that ff won't necessarily get LO to sleep longer. My reason for thinking of this method is I dont want to get upset if I'm struggling to bf, i can try a mix and then if I chose not to bf anymore I can make the transition to ff.

I went to breast feeding class & we have a support group too so there's lots of help if I get stuck. In an ideal world bf will be fine but just incase! I might be worrying unnecessarily but for me ff & the effort at night will out weigh the tears if I am struggling.

It's reassuring you can do both I naively thought it was all or nothing until breastfeeding class.

Again thanks for your responses xxxx

Just don't put too much pressure on yourself and relax. If it works for you, it works. If it doesn't, it's not the end of the world! The important thing is that you tried! There's some great advice/links in the sticky.

I find expressing quite easy, I can get 8-9oz if I express in the morning, this I split into 2oz tubs as he usually won't take more than 4oz in one go and sometimes if he hasn't long eaten from cafe boob I just heat up 2oz so daddy can feed him and I don't feel like I'm constantly feeding in the evening xx
I find expressing quite easy, I can get 8-9oz if I express in the morning, this I split into 2oz tubs as he usually won't take more than 4oz in one go and sometimes if he hasn't long eaten from cafe boob I just heat up 2oz so daddy can feed him and I don't feel like I'm constantly feeding in the evening xx

Thanks that's a good to know xxx

At the bf class they said don't express and feed with bottle for 6 weeks but I'm not going to stick a marker on the calendar. I think oh won't get a chance in week to see much of LO once bedtime kicks in so expressing in a bottle would be nice for him to do as one of the feeds.

I had to start Harry with a bottle around 3 weeks cos of his tongue tie, it was to give my nips a break from being chewed. We have not had any problems with switching between the 2, I think the first 2 weeks are the best weeks to just BF while baby gets used to it. Xx
Thats definitely the best attitude to have. The last thing you want is pressure on yourself just after you have given birth!

I had problems with finn's latch during our stay in hospital so I was expressing every feed for him which was stressful, but not difficult. Some ladies do find though that they are unable to express, I'm not sure why, only that baby us a more effective way of getting milk out than a pumP.

If I express in the evening I can comfortably get 5 or 6 oz x
i combi feed 3 bottles during the day of formula which she takes some of but always leaves some and i bf at night as its much easier, my LO slept thru form 8 weeks and apart from the sleep regression she had where she woke for a night feed again for a few weeks she has slep thru the night since, i dont think that had anything to do with formula as shes always loved her sleep and i bf more than i ff. and she prefers bf most of the time too so i do think its all down to the baby not the food. i found pumping easier with an electric one which i got off ebay, i could get 5oz at a time when i was doing it regularly but at first i could only get 1oz from each boob if i was lucky and fed her pretty much constantly if i could.
Thank you reading all your posts have been really reassuring. I have spent too long focusing on pg and not what happens next.

They gave us a chart in our antenatal notes to keep track of their feeding progress, does every where have this?xx
no lol, it was the 2nd night in hospital that a mw told me to write down when she fed and how long for.
I used to write them
Down then I got an app on my iPhone, even use it now!

I got an application too for that purpose that I am planning to use. It's name connecta I think?
Sorry stupid phone. Baby connect is named
Torino-do you find expressing easy? I bought an electric pump but mums I have asked (not on forum) haven't used one so no idea what it's like xx

Once your supply is established its a doddle. I love my electric pump, I can get a feed out in 10mins no bother these days.

I got an application too for that purpose that I am planning to use. It's name connecta I think?

Lol-this is great, def a good way to keep organised and track of things!

Torino-thanks saw another thread saying medelea swing was good but have the advent so fx it works!xx
My pump is a Philips avent one and I think it's perfectly fine to use. You'll be great. :)

A few tips for you when baby is here with breastfeeding.

1. If it hurts for more than 5-10 seconds the latch is wrong. Take baby off the boob straight away or your nipples will get shredded!

2. If you forget ^^ and your nips get shredded (or are sore at any point) then straight after a feed spread on the Lansinoh. If they get really really bad then expressing for a few feeds will give them a break and time to recover.

3. Maybe the most important one if you are questioning yourself and your milk supply. The only way you can tell if your baby is getting enough milk is by the scales. I can't stress this enough, I see it a lot that women think they can't fill their babies because they are unsettled after a feed or cry a lot when the only way you can tell if they aren't getting enough is if they aren't putting on weight.

Great advice Torino!

The idea of my boobs being shredded made me :rotfl: but I will be crying about it when it actually happens :(

I will def take this on board, I feel confident that if I want to use bottle to express to go with it rather than lead to confusion before 6 weeks if I need too

I was told by the HV that nipple confusion is very rare in full term babies. She said there is a greater risk of the baby refusing the teat if you don't use it soon enough.

T bag went backwards after we didn't use a bottle for a while. She went on strike :( took me ages to get her to take it again

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