breast and formula combining - *more questions!*

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Hi guys. I posted to ask about the best formula to use when combining with BF as I was using SMA Gold and he seemed to get constipated. So DH bought some Aptimil and he was really sick before - literally through the whole lot up.

I was wondering whether it takes a bit of time for them to get used to the change and I should persevere with the new formula and if so how long should I give it? Or if it doesnt agree with him now will it never agree with him?

Also, has anyone found that BF and formula feeding just doesnt agree with their LO full stop and had to just use one or the other?

Thank you!
You have to find that happy medium, for Joseph, Aptamil was the only one he didn't throw up as much.

To be honest, I'd gain the advice of your doctor, regarding this, as all babies need different things and not every formula is the same. If you can give your doctor the symptoms and such, I am sure he/she will be able to advise you better.

Good luck though xx
iv tried loadsa different formulas on melissa, and mixed brands AND types (first-stages and follow-ons) on same days and had no problems on any of them. but she was 6 months by the time she tried any formulas so probably less sensitive
leland throws up after every meal but is still gaining weight , this was on aptamil and c&g comfort

as for breast and botltle , only reason i had to give up was cos he wouldnt take to my nipple and my milk dried up even tho i expressed 6 times a day
I sympathise. Its really difficult to know whats best for them! I am sticking to the SMA Gold I think, as even though my LO is still getting griping pains, (he pushes down, his face goes bright red and he farts alot with trapped wind and it also looks like he is constipated), but he does lots of poos in a day and they are explosive so I don't think he really is! Are you sure your LO is actually constipated or could he just have been suffering from wind and gas problems after his feeds?

Apparently they don't need to poo as much when taking breast milk. As my LO also squirms and cries after a night on the breast I figure that it can't be the SMA but is just his delicate tummy. Every midwife I've talked to has advised me differently too and some say never to switch milks unless you've spoken to a doc first.
I have decided to stick it out it out with the aptimil as he seems a lot more settled today and hasnt been sick at all.
Im doing my best to BF as much as poss and just give him a bottle of formula when my nipples cant take anymore!!
He is such a hungry baby - he has put on over 1lb in the past week which my midwife informs me is way ahead of progress so that probably has a lot to do with why my boobies hurt so much!!

I am too scared to ask the midwife about formula etc because when I did tell her that I had given him a bottle of formula in the night as I was crying with agony cos my nipples were so sore, she basically shouted at me, gave me a huge lecture and told me that giving him a bottle undid all the good work of breast feeding by 3 days!!! :shock: :shock:

I felt really crap after that but have decided to carry on combining the two as I figure its much better for James to have a sane happy mummy and to have 5 BF a day rather than a very unhappy sore mummy and 8 or 9 feeds a day...I just wish that the Midwives didnt make you feel soooo bad for giving baby formula. Anyone would think I was trying to poison him! :(
J-Do1979 said:
I am too scared to ask the midwife about formula etc because when I did tell her that I had given him a bottle of formula in the night as I was crying with agony cos my nipples were so sore, she basically shouted at me, gave me a huge lecture and told me that giving him a bottle undid all the good work of breast feeding by 3 days!!! :shock: :shock:

That's awful - the MWs are supposed to be there to support you, not make you feel like you're doing something wrong. You seem strong & sensible though, and they say that mother's instinct is always right so trust that you're doing the right thing :hug:
After reading a lot about MW's, I can safely say, I am bl**dy happy, I didn't have a MW!!!
LO has put on 1lb and 2oz in 7 days and I would say 80% of his intake is breast milk so you can just imagine what state my nipples are in!
i'm doing both and tried aptimil, sma and cow and gate. Cow and gate has worked best for us so far.

Good luck and i'm sorry your MW is a bit of a witch. Hopefully ur health vistior will be better xxxx

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